Chapter 4- News

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Monday was honestly one of the most hectic day I've ever experienced in all of my 3 years at Westwood High. The hallways were lined with people talking every one gossiping that they had a super star in their midst. It was the first day no one bothered me or called me names because they were to caught up in finding Star.

Ok, maybe it's time to explain my little... situation.

When I was 13, I loved to sing so I just randomly decided to make a video of me singing; but I was afraid I was horrible so I found an app that made videos with only your silhouette and made the video. I kept on making them, and posting them on my YouTube channel 'singing in the shadows'. A year later I had a million subscribers and the screen name 'Star'.

I was very mature for my age, because I basically lived alone for a lot of my life. I knew if I revealed myself I would be pretty famous. But I knew I couldn't handle the fame and the power might go to my head and I would become a train wreck teen. I kept my identity and looks hidden. I never wanted false attention. I didn't want people to be my friends because of my looks or fame. That's why I dress the way I do, because if you don't want to be my friend because of my looks, then I don't want to be yours.

I guess people loved and were interested in the whole anonymous thing and now, here I am 4 years later with over 70 million subscribers and followers on twitter. I was the most famous person in the world.

I had no real friends though.

I was taking my things out of my locker when I heard the gossiping cease. I turned my head and saw I boy walking down the hallway with a smirk plastered on his face. Tall, muscled, light brown hair, blue eyes, bad ass style.

It was Carter.



After the whole 'pizza place incident', I've been searching for Jasmine. She had this spunk to her, but also kindness.

Oh my lord I'm starting to sound like a priss.

Anyway, I had no luck finding her. Tyler's been complaining so much about her since the incident.

He's a very persuasive 6 year old.

It's my first day a Westwood High, it's the only public high-school in this little town, and she was defiantly not a private school girl. I've been surveying the school ever since I got here.

The whole student body were talking about how Star went to this school. I've heard of Star, she's pretty cool, gives some great advice and has a pretty awesome voice. I guess I go to school with a super star.


I was currently in first period, sat in the back of the class, as always. Girls had been flirting with me nonstop since I got off my motorcycle. I'd also been gossiped about a little too. I guess everyone was assuming I'm the 'bad boy' and want to get with me. I guess I kinda was, I had a little bit if a...... violent attitude.

Let's just say instead of talking about my problems I punched them in the face.

So enough about me, let's talk about how my little 'search' was going.

It's wasn't.

The only Jasmine I found was a blonde blue-eyed slut who was practically throwing herself at me. So I'm positive it wasn't the brown haired amber eyed girl who I was looking for.

I was blocking out the teacher in Sex Ed as it was pretty stupid. I knew to use a condom, I didn't want to be a baby-daddy at 17.

"Jasmine, what's the answer to number 3."

The teachers words snapped me out of my thought process. I scanned the room, waiting to see who answered it.

"C" a girl in the row in front of me said.

My head snapped in her direction, she had her brown hair in a tight pony tail; a long sleeve loose black shirt on and some baggy brown pants.

I heard a cough and then some one say "slut". The whole class started laughing, the girl putting her head down and raising her hand.

The teacher gave her a sympathetic look and nodded her head. She stood up from her seat and walked out the door.

And I ran after her.

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