Chapter 12- Stores

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"This one!"

"No this one!"

"That's ugly!"

"This ones better!"

"When will they realize that we actually need two?" I whispered in Carter's ear.

"I hope never. This is very entertaining." He whispered back.

Ash and Vanessa had been fighting over dog bowls. Vanessa had the kind that looks like a box and was light blue with silver bowls.

Ash had picked one that looked like a black table with silver bowls as well.

"Ok, Guys!" I called out to them, interrupting their little spat.

"What?" They asked at the same time as their heads snapped in my direction.

"Umm, we do have two dogs........."

They both looked confused for a moment before the realization dawned an them and they smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

Me and Carter chuckled to ourselves before turning back to the rows of puppy supplies.

"So, what kind of beds do you want?" Carter asked me and I shrugged.

"2 gray ones and a big white one." I told him.

"Why a big white one?" Carter questioned me with one raised eyebrow.

"So if they want to cuddle, they can!" I said with a roll of my eyes.

He chuckled at my response and grabbed the appropriate beds and threw them in the cart.


"OMG I love your room!" Abby gushed as I led them through the barn doors.

"Me to! Your beds like memory foam!" Vanessa agreed while she laid on my now blue comforters.

"You have a X box?" Asher asked.

"Yeah, I can probably whoop your ass at COD." I told him confidently.

He raised an eyebrow but didn't protest.

"Ugh! My Mom said I have to leave!" Abby complained.

"Oh, well maybe it's time we all leave." Ryder said.

"Ok, see you guys later." I said as I unpacked the dog supplies.

They all yelled goodbyes and thank you's and left in a herd.

"See you Monday princess." Carter said and left.

After they left and all of the dog stuff was unpacked, I got off the floor and dusted off my jeans.

"Time to record!" I murmured quietly to myself and got situated in front of my laptop.

Hey guise!

So, I am aware we didn't meet the goals
I got really bored.

So you have been gifted with an early update.

Your welcome.

Anyway, here are le goals.

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Love ya😘

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