Chapter 11- Dogs

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I took a deep breath, turning my face up to the sky and said, "Mom, I'm really gonna need your help on this one."

I grasped the iron handles on the door and pulled them open. I quietly walked back up the stairs and into the room.

Inside the living room the boys were sprawled out on the first couch while the girls occupied the second.

"Anyone want some popcorn?" I asked when the movie went on commercial break.

I heard a few 'okays' and some 'sures' and one 'Fantastico' so I got up and went into the kitchen. I threw a bag of popcorn in the microwave and started rummaging through my cabinets for some large bowls.

"Need some help?" I heard a voice asked behind me.

I turned my head and saw Abby standing in the doorway.

"Uh, sure. Can you take out the popcorn and then put in another?" I requested.

"Sure." she said and pulled out the hot bag of popcorn and put another bag in its place.

"So how did you meet Carter?" I asked her while we were waiting for the next popcorn bag to finish.

"Oh, I was getting bullied in like, second grade, and he kinda punched one of them and the rest is history." She told me and shrugged.

"Oh. You got bullied?" I said, taken aback by her explanation.

"Yeah, I wasn't always as beautiful as this." She joked.

The beep of the microwave interrupted our little conversation.

The popcorn was loaded into the bowls before we carried them back to the living room.

The boys started devouring the popcorn as soon as we set it down but us girls took our time eating.

By the end of the movie the boys were fighting over crumbs and we had only finished half the bowl, which was used in a battle of the sexes contest in which we had to throw popcorn in each others mouths.

Obviously the girls won because we are the superior sex.

Anyway, since the boys lost, they had clean-up duty and we were on Laugh-while-boys-attempt-to-clean duty.

After the laughter died down and we all got settled and were just sitting in comfortable silence Carter hopped from his seat.

"Let's get you a dog!" he said.





That last one was Ryder.....

"Well actually..." I said and all of the heads snapped towards me.

"My aunt said I could get a pet if I ever got lonely or something......." I trailed.

"So I guess we are getting you a dog."


"Hello, I'm Amy, how may I be of service to you today?" The lady at the front desk of the Animal Foundation place we had gone to.

"Umm, we're here to get a puppy." I told her.

"Oh, ok well they will be right there down the hall and take a left. Don't forget your hand sanitizer!" She reminded us while we filed in a line through the door.

"JASMINE!" A voice behind me yelled.

I turned in time to see the small body of a 12 year old wrap her arms around me.

"Oh, hi Gabby!" I said to the girl.

"Hey, why are you here?" She asked me, not rude at all, just curious.

"I'm getting a puppy." I told her.

"Oh, Finally!" She said and grabbed my hand. She led me over to some cages.

"Here are some, their mom died in labor." She told me sadly. "They just got put up for adoption today. They got all their shots yesterday afternoon!" She said proudly.

"Cool, thanks!" I told her and gave her another hug.

"Don't forget to visit in the summer!" She reminded and ran off down the hall.

"Who was that?" Vanessa asked after she had gone.

"That's Gabby. She's a really good kid. Her mom is the founder if this place and she loves all the animals to death. Once some boys came in and started hitting and teasing the dogs and she chased them 3 and 1/2 blocks with a baseball bat." I told them an chuckled at the memory.

"I like her all ready!" Carter exclaimed. "Now let's look at some puppies!"

We all agreed and knelt down next to the cages. There was only one left from the pit bull litter she told me about.

There was the one little white pit bull with a black spot over his right eye sitting all alone in the cage looking lonely.

"Awe, hey little guy!" I whispered. I opened the cage and gently pulled him out.

He fit in my hands perfectly and licked my face with his tiny tongue.

Me and the other girls were ogling over him and he soon fell asleep in my arms.

"He's adorable!" Abby squealed.

"I know!" Vanessa gushed.

"Hey guys! Look at hi-" I cut my self off, I saw all of them huddled over a small ball of black fur.

I walked over to the boys who had a little black dog in their arms.

"Look at her! She awesome!" Carter said.

"But we're getting this one!" Vanessa said and pointed to the pit bull.

"No! This one!" Asher argued.

Soon, we were all in a full blown whisper war. We were so caught up in the argument we didn't feel the small dogs leave our laps.

"Wait guys! Look!" Abby said, silencing our dispute.

We all turned our heads slowly towards the direction she was pointing.

The 2 puppies had waddled out of our legs and were now sleeping, cuddled together, they fit together like a puzzle.

"Awww" we all said in unison.

"What are their names?" Ryder asked.

"The boy's is Max and the girl's is Dawn." Carter answered.

"Well guys." I said and turned to them.

"Looks like I'm getting two dogs."


Any way........

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Love ya😘

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