Chapter 15- Pictures

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"Oh dear lord."

"Oh my god."

"Holy shit!"


If you couldn't tell that last one was Ryder.

I fell as though I say that a lot.

We were all huddled in a group looking at the video on Abby's phone.

The girls had done an absolutely amazing job.

First off, they had poured buckets of spoiled milk on the lawns and cars of the 3 girls. They had painted their cars neon green with purple strips and the word 'SLUT' painted in pink on the hood. The houses had been completely covered in eggs and had black paint sprayed all over the windows and on the doors. They had gotten into their closets and poured red and black dye on all of their clothes; and, for the final touch they had poured bright orange body dye on them and painted 'DO I LOOK LIKE A WHORE YET' in silver letters on their foreheads.

Obviously the video was posted on YouTube and was currently going viral.

It also helped that Star like the video and subscribed to the channel.


Hey, they tried to murder me in a bathroom. It's only fair.

Anyway, their parents still made them go to school so basically they are going to walk through the school looking like Doritos.

All in the name of fairness.


"Oh my god I have to get a picture!" Ryder said and whipped out his phone to snap a picture of the tangerine-colored trio.

"This is the single best day of my life!" I assured the girls because they had asked my opinion on the prank.

"Awe! Any thing for a bestie!" They told me and pulled me in for a group hug.

"You better send me that picture." I told Vanessa.

"Don't worry, all of its gonna be on my Instagram until the apocalypse." Vanessa assured me.

"Nice job gals." Carter complemented as he passed by us.

"Hey, I'm gonna go with Carter to first period." I told them.

"Okay, see ya there!" Abby said and her and Vanessa jumped back into their conversation.

"Hey, Carter." I said and sped down the halls. He turned around and smiled at me.

"Hurry up princess I bet you don't want to be late."

I met him in the middle of the hall and we quietly walked into the class.

The teacher sent me a smile when I walked into the class, she seemed happy I finally had a friend.

"You know, Star liked their video. I bet if she goes to this school she hates them just as much as us." Carter joked when we got to our seats.

"Yeah, I bet." You have no idea.

" I really am curious who she is." Carter added.

"Why, I mean, why is everybody so caught up on what she looks like. I like that I can't judge her on her appearance. Other people can't either and they still love her and I think that's just what this world needs." I said all in one breath.

"I mean, you have a point but I'm just hoping the whole 'caring and kind' thing isn't just an act, that she isn't just like that for attention. That maybe she's just like she tells us she is. I don't care what she looks like. And you could really be a rapper because I think you said that in one breath and in five point one five seconds." Carter informed me.

"Well, I don't think that she wants to be revealed and I would make a fabulous rapper." I said and flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"Okay, enough about Star, I've had a question I've been meaning to ask you." He said and scratched the back of his neck.

"What?" I questioned with an arched eyebrow.

"Who was that guy in that picture?"

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