Chapter 26- Twins

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King of the Street

"What?" I asked. Since when did Carter have a twin?

"Sometimes when we were younger when Carter was sick or something he would pretend to be him." Abby answered.

"Oh my god!" Vanessa said with her head in her hands. "It was so fucking obvious!"

"When was the last time he did that?" I asks them.

"Like seventh grade! I didn't think he would do it again!" Ryder answered.

"Holy shit! Where the hell's Carter!" Ash said and started to panic.

"One moment." Abby said and called Carter's cell on speaker phone.

After a few rings, Car- I mean Diego picked up.

"You know I'm really disappointed you guys would do-"

"Drop the act Diego." Abby deadpanned.

Diego interrupted in a fit of laughter.

"Took you idiots long enough!" He said while chuckling.

"Where the hell is Carter!" Van demanded.

"He had the flu! I stole his phone, he needs a fucking lock."

"Had? Where the hell is he?" I screamed.

"Probably at home confused as hell." He informed.

"Ugh!" Abby said, hung up and pressed another number.

"Hello?" The familiar voice on the other line greeted.

"CARTER!" We all yelled at once.

"Hey guys! Where the hell have you been?" He questioned.

"Um, a certain twin had decided to play a old prank!" Vanessa complained.

"Wha- NO!" He said and was silent.

"Oh yes, and he brought his girlfriend." I added.

"Katherine? Oh my god guys I'm so sorry!" Carter said.

"I fucking hate her!" Abby said.

"I smashed a cupcake in her face." I told him.

"Jasmine? You what?" He asked.

"I. Smashed. A. Cupcake. In. Her. Face." I clarified

"Ugh, sometimes I wish I could smash a cupcake in her face, wait, where are you guys?" Carter asked.

"Oh! We're at the beach house! Get your white boy ass up here!" Abby ordered.

"Oh, Ok! Be there as soon as I can!" He assured us and hung up.

My heart had been repaired.


"CARTER'S HERE!" Abby declared and we all rushed from the kitchen to greet him.

We all enclosed him in a huge group hug and he laughed.

"Didn't realize you guys couldn't live without me." Carter chuckled.

"Sh, don't ruin the moment." I said in his ear just causing him to laugh some more.

"Oh how I have missed you Jaz." He told me and gave me a hug.

"So, anyone want some cupcakes?" I asked and the boys nodded.

I pointed to the tray I had just put out and they started chowing down, there were 16 left and only four when they had finished.

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