Chapter 24- Foods

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Kiss me Kiss me- 5SOS

"Ugh, I'm borrrreeeedd." Katherine whined.

"I swear, prepare to hold me back cause I'm getting a steak knife." I warned the girls.

"I'm not sure I'd want to stop you." Vanessa replied and Abby nodded.

"Babe, what do you want to do?" Carter asked her.

"Ugh! How am I supposed to know?" she screeched and stomped away.

Carter sent panicked looks at Ryder and Ash, who shrugged and he turned to us.

"Your girlfriend, your problem." Vanessa told him and we all nodded in agreement.

He glared at us then ran back upstairs to see her.

"I am gonna cut that bitch." Vanessa ranted and then slumped in a bar stool.

"I swear, where the hell did he pick her up?" Ash agreed and he sat down next to her.

"Ugh, you know she complained to me yesterday after we came back from the beach and complained why she didn't get the master bedroom. Like, what the hell!" Abby complained and took the seat on the other side of Vanessa.

"Dude, she tried to get in my pants yesterday, and she just kept coming!" Ryder sighed and slumped down next to Abby.

I looked at my friends, them all sad and bored, and an idea came to mind.

"Hey guys, wanna make some cupcakes?" I asked them.

All of their heads turned in my direction.

"Why?" Ash questioned.

"Well, what do you you suggest we do?" I asked him and when I wasn't given a reply, I smiled and started to get out ingredients, which were plentiful in this kitchen.

"Okay, girls on batter boys on frosting." I said.

"Okay boys, just whip this" I said motioning to the bowl I had filled with heavy whipping cream and powdered sugar "until it's fluffy, then your done." I told them and they nodded.

"Okay, we're making hot coco cupcakes!" I said and showed them how to make them, showing them the ingredients and pouring in the marshmallows.

"We're good!" Ash and Ryder said over the music we had started playing.

"So are we!" I said and lifted the filled cupcake pans to the oven.

We cleaned as we went so the kitchen was spotless after.

"Hey!" Ash suddenly said. We all looked at him strangely then he shook his head and flour came out in a cloud.

Ryder was laughing so hard and Ash turned around angrily and splashed cream in his face.

Ryder grabbed an egg, cracked it and threw it at Ash, who ducked and it hit Abby.



Me, Abby and Vanessa all were station behind the counter and the boys here waiting for us to appear.

"Okay, here" Abby said and handed us each a pan. "Use it as a shield and throw like hell." she informed us.

"One two, THREE!" Abby yelled and we sprung up.

Abby threw her eggs like a mad woman, Vanessa was balling up her spaghetti and throwing with surprising accuracy and I was doing a pretty good hod with my pancake batter and spoon.

We ditched the pans and just were battling with whatever our sticky little finger could grab.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Someone yelled and we all ceased fire.

"Food fight." We all said as once, seeing it was Carter as the flour cleared.

"What the hell guys?" Carter yelled and Katherine gasped.

A soft ding interrupted our replied and I smiled.

"Cupcakes are done."


A couple hours later the kitchen was spotless and the cupcakes were baked and frosted.

"Okay, can you hand me the chocolate?" I asked Vanessa who handed me the melted chocolate I had put in a bag.

She gave it to me and I drizzled the tops of the cupcakes with them.

"CUPCAKES!" I yelled and the boys and Katherine came to the counter.

I pushed the platter in front of them and they instantly started chowing down on the cupcakes, they looked amazed by the flavor and each ate like three.

"Okay, these are seriously delicious!" Abby said and Vanessa agreed.

"Ewww! Those look like they have why to many calories!" Katherine's voice complained.

"Um, they're cupcakes not carrot sticks." Abby said and got back to her cupcake.

"Yeah, they look gross too." She said and pointed to the platter.

"Bitch shut the hell up." I said. The guys smiled at me and the girls, who were used to sassy-Jaz just nodded.

"Ugh, you little skank! You can't talk to me like that!" She yelled and I laughed.

"Just did."

"You worthless little whore nobody likes you, you're ugly and poor with a crappy fashion sense and a bad complexion and I'll tell-" She started ranting but I shut her up.

By smashing a cupcake in her face.

And then all hell broke lose.

I like this chapter.





Love ya😘

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