a r c • o n e

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° Bestfriendzoned °
[A r c 1 ]


It is better to love wisely, no doubt: but to love foolishly is better than not to be able to love at all.

- William Makepeace Thackeray,
Vanity Fair


He thinks that it is better giving way to his bestfriend's happiness, and it was beautiful to the eyes of those who don't see. However, in the deepest depth of his soul, only a sharp pair of eyes would see how he is slowly breaking inside, acting like a God to his friend, but being a destruction to his own self.

Is giving up a good choice?

He doesn't know, for he already pushed his heart of a cliff the moment he kept that smile when his tears are on the edge of falling from his soulful eyes.

Foolish love, indeed.

But no doubt, it was the truest of all.

The masked he had worn, reveals his heart's sincerity.

Arc 1

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