a r c • t h r e e

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° Ephemeral °
Arc 3


"It is not time or opportunity that is to determine intimacy; - it is disposition alone. Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others."

- Jane Austen,
Sense and Sensibility


An opportunity for two human souls to be one even for just a short span of three months and a week.

An opportunity for two human souls to love their other half for a short span of three months and a week.

Will everything end ruefully? With tears and sorrow, shattered pieces of broken hearts?

Or will everything be alright?

Should you anticipate happy endings more?

Should you wait for another tragedy of their own?

Will two worlds unite, just to give way to these loving hearts?

Are they willing to sacrifice their own worlds for the sake of their love?

Foolish love, indeed.

But no doubt it was the truest of all.

The mask he had worn, reveals his heart's sincerity.

Arc 3.

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