Chapter 29

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"No! Not with Louis here! Are you crazy?!" I push him off me but he only gave me one of those sexy cocky smirks, hooded eyes and everything.

I knew he wasn't giving up, he was gonna fuck me right here if he had too.

"Come here doll" his voice so soft and low, raspy and hot.

It screamed sex and I wanted it so bad. He knew what he was doing, and he knew that charm of his only drew woman crazy.

I'm not a woman though so I could contain my chill.

And I did, I stood there with nothing but a sweet smile on my face before turning on my heel and walking back into the living room where Louis sat, smiling like an idiot.

"I'm really no trouble love, go on" my eyes widened and my cheeks turned in sure a deep red as he laughed.

"I'm really in no place to cock block my mate here, I know how that feels and it isn't very flattering" I groaned but anyways sat down and covered my face.

Seconds later, Harry came out and sat next to Louis, they started a conversation and soon became fucken best friends as I sat there, watching everything.

"Close your mouth doll, wouldn't want to catch a fly would we?" I glared at both of them as I stood and left, walking up to my room and locking myself in.

Fucken brits.

Uncultured swines with remotely good looking faces and killer accents with weird slangs.


I'm American, with an American accent and American slangs.

Normal everyday face and a very pissy mood.

After a while, there was no noise.

No tv, no talking and no laughing.

I figured they left so I stood and walked down the stairs.

I heard a few dishes being moved around, the sound of glass against another was never one of my favorites.

There I found Harry doing the dishes, his broad shoulders were very big, he was very tall.

Back muscles flexing each time he would move his arms around, curls in a bun and him probably being the only man I've seen that can pull it off without looking like a pedo.

Tight jeans fitting his lanky legs just nice, his ass looking fine ass hell, brown boots as always with a bit of a heel to make him an inch or two taller.

Black button up clinging onto his top half so loosely yet it looked good.

His sense in fashion was astonishing for a principle.

Or maybe it was the fact that everything looked good on him?

At this point I only wondered what he would look like in a g string? Maybe an ugly sweater? A beard?

Yeah, he's the kind that would pull anything off.

I wondered what he would look like modeling, wearing all different types of clothes, Gucci shoes and makeup, maybe lipstick but his natural rosy pink lips made the cut, he looked good with rosy pink lips.

He had a nose (duhh) but a big one, not that I'm criticizing his nose that looked hella good on him.

It wasn't that big anyways, it suited him just nicely, his cheek bones only made you wonder what kind of contour he used, what kind of high light? Was it expensive?

His eyebrows were nice and naturally placed. I didn't know weather he plucked or he got them done but I think that's how they grew, all natural, his eyelashes were beautiful, better than my curled ones, exactly the perfect amount and his eyes, damn.

They were difficult to describe, maybe like a deep forrest color? Emerald? At times they would look blue like a sky and it looked just like the sea, fresh and I didn't know what hid behind them.

What was he thinking? What was he gonna do? He was unpredictable yet it was fun to guess.

And my favorite part of his is his dimples.

Deep and so cute.

Pretty and just mesmerizing for a man his age to have.

He was no doubt beautiful, hot and any way to describe Johnny Depp.

Old too.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" and his voice.

Gave you chills, scares you a bit with the roughness but it was smooth in a way?

Deep and raspy, perfect for a documentary, you'd just want to hear it weather he was talking about cow milking or roof painting.

It was so calming.

"If you don't mind" I grabbed my phone and opened the camera

He turned and gave me a serious look before it broke out into a smile.

Wasn't insecure either, he didn't ask me to delete them, he only smiled at me and returned to the dishes.

"Thanks" I mumbled

"Hmm?" He hummed, I sat on the counter right next to him, my small feet touching his thighs

"For washing the dishes, my mom would have killed me" he chuckled and shook his head

"I wouldn't be surprised" he raised his brows at me as I rolled my eyes.

"Stop the eye rolling, they'll fall out" he snapped in the kindest way possible but I only rolled them again

"Do it again and it'll be the last time darling"

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