Baby Momma

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"Okay. My name is Marin Sallwell, and I will be the litigator for this case. I have been informed by Mr. Coleman  that Ms. Martin would like to offer a settlement before we start formal discussions. Is that something party 2 would be okay with?"

"At this moment my client is not willing to go forward with any settlement"

"Oh come on. Could you please tell Trey that he has dragged this on long enough. It's honestly ridiculous that this matter hasn't been resolved yet. I️ am a perfectly capable mother yet he feels the need to drag my name through the mud. I️ don't understand what he wants from this. I️ truly don't"

"Mr. Coleman could you please control your client. Mr. Sawell you already see that Ms. Martin has some prejudice against my client. He felt that her prejudice is clouding her judgement and has come to show that she is no longer able to properly care for the children. My client was willing to go through arbitration because he didn't want the kids to learn about the extreme neglect they have been facing under Ms. Martin but he is more than ready to head starting to a court hearing to fight for full custody of his children"

"Okay. Now why don't we all calm down. As a mediator I always like to start out with asking both sides what they would like to achieve for the day. We obviously can't resolve everything but i do want to point out that mediation is about compromise. I️ am hoping that we can come to some type of agreement that works for both parties"

"As the attorney for Ms. Martin I would like to say that we are still trying to understand why this meeting is even happening. Ms. Martin has always has sole physical custody or the children and is confused as to why Mr. Wilton is demanding full custody of them at this moment. From out records he hasn't even been in contact with the kids for over three months and has refused to make the mandatory monthly payments due to Ms. Martin for the five minors in her care"

"Mr. Sawell these allegations are all lies. Again Ms. Martin is just saying anything to keep custody of the children and she is willing to lie about the financial payments as well. My client believed that Ms. Wilton was using the money for her own personal gain instead of using it for the children. He felt that creating a separate account for the children with money that is retroactively paid to the schools and various other functions they attend are paid for. My client is a musician who has been touring and working on several projects, which makes it hard for him to have daily contact with his children. However he has asked on multiple occasions to have time with his kids via the custody agreement form but Ms. Martin has refused to let the children go to his house. Clearly she has been abusing her power to try and turn the children against my client"

"Oh come on that's ridiculous. You know it Ana I know it. I️ don't hide anything from Trey. I️ have known him since I was 15 years old and I'm not willing to back down because he can hire some fancy lawyers. We have a custody agreement in place and he has no reason to believe that I️ am endangering the welfare of the kids. I️ have done everything in my power to make sure that they are greet kids and live the best life they can. I️ don't rely on Trey for anything but we do have five kids together and he has a financial obligation to help out on certain things. I️ don't believe it's fair for me to agree to any changes in the custody agreement without him being here. My kids aren't comfortable with being at his house and I am not going to force them to do anything. If he would make more of an effort to be around for his kids instead of slandering me via social media then he wouldn't have these problems"

"My client at this point hasn't been satisfied with how this conversation is going. He would like a ten minute recess"

Trey hasn't said a word during the whole meetings and wouldn't even look me in the eye. I️ was honestly confused, hurt and betrayed by his actions but I️ had to keep a strong face for my kids. During the break I️ got a message from Toya saying that she wanted to speak to me. I️ would have called back later but she was nearly at her due date ana it could be an emergency.

"Hello Toya what's up? I️ can't talk right now but are you okay?"

"Listen I️ know that you and Trey are buddy buddy but I need you to be honest about something"

"Okay. What is it?"

Toya, "did you have any idea about the custody situation? Did you know he was going to sue me for full custody of the baby?"

"What? Are you serious? I️ had no idea. Get a lawyer. Get one now. I️ can't talk right now but come to the house. I'll tell Caleb to start cooking"

Toya, "you have to talk to him. He has no right. He can't just steal my baby from me. He has had no involvement in my whole pregnancy. What is his problem? I️ can't lose my baby. I️ can't give him my baby"

"I️ know. I️ know Toya and you won't. Just promise me you won't do anything crazy and no social media. Just go to my house and calm down. Maybe try and take a nap but don't stress about it. We will talk about it and take it easy. I have to go but I️ will be home soon. Okay"

After getting off the phone with Toya I was even more confused. Something had to be going on and I️ didn't know who was pulling Trey's strings but they were messing with the wrong one. I️ would go to the ends of the earth for my kids and if there was anyone who knew that it was Trey. He wanted to mess with the dragon then he would get burned to oblivion.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now