Baby Momma

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It had been two weeks since the meeting for arbitration and not much had changed. My lawyer was supposed to be calling me if there were any updates but i was beyond restless. Trey had refused to talk to me at all and he was on some social media campaign fighting for his kids. At school the kids told me that some officials had asked if everything was okay at home and they were confused as me. I was forcing them to go to Treys house every other week and it sucked because the kids would cry the whole way there and it hurt my heart.

Toya was staying at my place with the baby, because her and Trey were still going through a nasty custody battle. The baby girl it was just the cutest thing in the world, and while me and her sister had suggested that she invite tray to the birth of the baby, she had decided not to do that. I couldn't blame her because he was just so problematic, but I felt like it would come back to bite her. Having her in the house was strange at first, but Caleb was open to the idea, and she knew that she would need all the help in the world.

One weekend Caleb took the kids to a basketball game, while I helped toya look for a place. She wasn't looking for anything fancy, just a measly two or three bedroom apartment, so her sister could stay around, or maybe some family members. My house was already packed and Caleb and I had to speak about what our real plans were going to be. We had originally been scheduled to move, but with the custody battle I had no idea what was going to happen. My lawyer told me that I should not take the kids out of state under any circumstance, as this could be used as fuel by trey for custody. 

toya,"Di, what's up?"

"You know I try to be a civl person and b strong for my kid, but I really have no idea what's going on with trey. it feels like he is coming at me so hard for no reason, and the kids are starting to notice. he had his lawyers go to the school last week to speak with their teachers, and now my lawyer is saying that I can't even take them out of the state. my whole life has basically been on hold, and the kids already don't feel comfortable going to his house, now they are being attacked in school. I just don't know what he wants from all of this"

toya, "You and me are on the same boat. he has seen Ari three times since she was born, and my lawyer told me that starting in maybe two weeks, he is going to get her for a whole week, and I am so nervous. I told Martin he needs to have someone outside of Marcus at the house, and I want some type of nanny or worker specifically dedicated to her while she's at the house. He knows I'm paying him big bucks fo him to be on top of his game, and don't worry about trey. he will figure out we aren't the ones to be messed with"

"I know, but it sucks that I have to cancel all of my plans because he wants  to be an idiot. Caleb and I were scheduled to move to texas, and now we are on our hands and feet waiting for trey to stand down. He has some work he has to start on and I don't want to hold him back, but he's not going to want to leave me behind with all of this mess. I just know that this can't be just trey, he has to have someone egging him on, it just makes no sense"

toya, "did anything ever make sense with this man. I mean he's just been doing his own thing. since he started started with that new girl I honestly thought he would calm down and be happy, but instead  I don't know if she is pushing ideas into his head, but he is being an asshole. it still irks me that at one point in time I thought he was my soulmate or something. Like why would I ever think things would be okay with me and him"

"Girl I am in the same boat and I been knowing him since I was in middle school. If I would have known he would hav caused all this drama I wouldn't have given him the energy. i love my kids, but he is just a non stop headache and his drama floats around like a migraine or a cancer"

Toya,"when is your next court date?"

"My lawyer told m that he is going to try and met up with trey's lawyer and see if we cold work on some new form of  settlement. i don't want to drag my kids int the court and have them speaking with judges because that could really harm them, so I am willing to work on something with trey, but he has to work with me. if my lawyer can't make anything work then i guess we will have no other option, but to go to court and that sucks"

Later that night after the kids came home from the basketball game, I had to help them get ready for a week at their dad's. the older kids seemed to hate it more than the younger kids, and I couldn't blame them. Nia refused to utter a word when she was at her dad's house, and I knew he was trying to win her over with gifts, but she had been throwing them into the back of her closet never to be seen again. the younger kids would ask why I couldn't come along, and it sucked because I could barely understand the situation, so explaining it to them was a whole other challenge. After all the kids went down I wanted to speak with Caleb because we had plans and our own future and now trey was basically holding us hostage, and Caleb was an equal partner in all of this. I had to see where his head was at, and what he wanted to do regarding our situation.

"Babe, are you downstairs?"

Caleb, "Yeah, just answering some emails. I'll be up soon. do you want anything from downstairs?"

"No, just come up soon. I want to speak with you about something that's been on my mind"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now