The Side Chick

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I had been out in LA for almost a month and hadn't heard a word from Adrian. I really wasn't looking for anything but he really had me messed up and kind of doubting myself. Bri was trying to help me out and keep me motivated, but sometimes there were days when I just wanted to stay in bed and not do anything. But Bri was in cahoots with these girls who owned a juicing company, and the place was actually pretty good. I had been on a two week cleanse and my skin was looking more vibrant, and I felt more energized. I hadn't really come up with a game plan for what I wanted to do with my life, and Bri was there to help me bounce some ideas around.We went to this fusion cafe called Spring to have some drinks and eat good, while I talked about my future.

Bri, "So you know I've been doing my Youtube thing for a minute, and it's honestly super fun and easy. you can make videos about anything , and people have seen you on my channel. they like you and think that you're super funny. if you want to get in on that I can call my manager up and see if there is anything that would interest you"

"Bri I don't know. I'm basically living with you in some random person's house for the time being and you want me to start a YouTube channel. I just feel like there is hardly anything going on in my life and I don't think being in front of a camera talking about my self is what I want to be doing with my life right now"

Bri, "So what do you want to do? I know you've been hanging out with the girls from the juicing place and you've done some promotion for them, but there's really not much else you can do for them. you have the social media numbers to try and make something happen if you just want to promote products, but I know you and I know that's not really your thing"

"You see that's just it. I did the clothing thing and it was fun but I have no desire to get back into it. The makeup game is just over rated and I'm not trying to be some social media person, because I actually like my privacy and everyone under the sun is trying to do that in LA. I just want to have a laid back thing where I can be creative and do me, but still make some money"

Bri, "You literally sound like everyone under the sun who is here trying to make it. You want to do creative things but can't really list what exact things. Just be a creative influencer then"

"Bri I'm serious. I've made some decent money in my life, but not enough to retire, and I'm not going to be running after anyone for money. I went out to Vegas to do the whole domesticated life thing and it didn't work out, so now I'm floating around and you know that how I end up in sticky situations. Plus, being in LA makes me on edge because it always seems like I have a lot of enemies coming for me while I am here"

Bri, "Oh I know that, because I've already told you to go and fix whatever fucked up situation you have with Adrian, but you want to be peaceful and do the kumbaya thing so whatever"

"Listen the last thing I want to do is even waste my time trying to address whatever the situation is with Adrian and myself. Since we left Miami I haven't heard a word from him, and who knows if I ever will. If he wanted to send me the papers, seeing as how he is a big picture guy then he can go ahead, but I won't waste my time sending papers to all over the world trying to get his attention, I just won't"

Bri, "okay girl, but listen I got tickets for this little comedy showcase for this company I partnered with, would you be interested in coming with me?"

"when is it?"

Bri, "tonight. my manager just texted me a reminder, and it's too late for me to ask anyone without sounding too desparate, you're the bestie so you can come hang whenever"

"fine, i guess. It's not like I have anything else planned for the night"

Later that night we headed to this comedy club I had never even heard off but it was packed. We had this table kind of towards the back and I was happy because the first couple of people were a little boring. After a couple of drinks and some small flirting with the bartender the main act came on to the floor, and it was the dude from Miami. When I told this to Bri she was adamant that after the show we would go back and say hello. It was a Thursday night so we had no real plans for after the show, and I told her that under no circumstance was I going to be dragged out to some club with her. The show was amazing and he had the whole crowd going. When it finally finished we walked up to the stage for a picture and to say hello. He looked delighted to see us and offered to let us come back stage and hang out for a bit while he talked to some other people. Bri was getting her mingle on but I could already see where this night was going and i was not in the mood. I walked back out and called an uber to take me home.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now