Baby Momma

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Caleb, "babe are you ready?"

"Yeah I'm coming. Just making sure we packed all the bags"

Caleb, "how many bags do you need? We are going to San Francisco's for a weekend"

"Caleb don't rush me. You already know how I feel about all of this"

Caleb, "babe it will be okay and you know this trip will be good for you and me. It's 48 hours and it's all for us. You know how hard it was trying to convince my parents to come and watch the kids for the weekend. My dad hates driving"

"Babe What are you talking about. You didn't even call your parents, I did. And they killed at the opportunity. You know they're dying to hang out with the kids and I know the kids will be happy to see them. You know that I'm just worried about leaving because of this whole custody situation"

Caleb, "babe we are going maybe two hours away. We could drive up there if we wanted but listen I don't want you to worry. This is going to be okay and I have your back. If you don't want to do anything we can relax in the hotel. I just think it would be good if we had some couple time and I was able to help you to relax"

" I know. I understand. But with everything going on with Trey I don't even want to take the risk. If anything happens you know he'll try and make a big deal out of it and hang it over my head"

Caleb, "babe this is exactly why we need to go. You're so focused on the kids and Trey and you need to have some time to yourself. This is going to drive you crazy and that's exactly what he wants. He wants to get under your skin and I'm here to prevent that from happening. You're my wife and I'm here to look out for you even when you don't think you'll need it. I highly suggest that we go away and have some alone time. I mean I'm practically begging you for some time"

"Okay okay. We'll go. But if I think anything crazy is going on back home then we come back"

Caleb, "fine with me"

After we hit the road I couldn't help but feel a little guilty about leaving the kids but they were in good company. My mom was more than delighted to come over and check on them and I had the older kids call me when needed. The drive up was kind of peaceful and I knew Caleb would be poking forward to some alone time. He was going to be leaving for Dallas in two weeks and I still couldn't process that we would be living apart, but work was work. When we finally reached the hotel I was kind of shocked because it was like a little oasis. We had a whole villa to ourself and dinner was waiting for us.

After dinner we went out for a walk on the grounds before I was escorted away to get a massage and facial. When I came back to the room I was relaxed and a little buzzed. Caleb was on the phone speaking to his mom checking in on the kids and it was just so cute. I saw how much he cared about the kids and there was this flashing moment in my brain where I wondered about what another kid would look like in the picture. I mean we had talked about it several times and my position was that 5 was enough. My last pregnancy had been highly complicated and emotional for me and I was unsure if I wanted to get back into that. Caleb understood this and said that the kids were as much mind as his, but I knew in the back of his head he would wonder about what his own family would be like.

The following morning as we were laying in bed, I looked up and Caleb was playin around with my hair. In that moment it all felt so peaceful. As I pushed him closer and planted kisses along his face and neck, I felt his energy align with me. As he found his way inside of me  I let go and for a couple of moments it felt like complete peace.

Caleb, "wow that was uh something. I mean it felt different"

"Different good or bad?"

Caleb, "oh it can never be bad honey. I'm just saying that it felt different. Like I was seeing a different side of you or something. I don't know"


Later that afternoon we went for a walk and to get some food. I was in the mood for tacos for some reason and we ended up at this nice taqueria. A couple tacos and some drinks later we were back at the hotel and playing in the pool. This couple and their baby came over and were lounging with us and I couldn't keep my eyes off of them.

"I want to start trying. I'm serious"

Caleb, "tt—, uh trying"

"For a baby"

Caleb, "a baby? Where is this coming from"

"It's been lingering in me for a while and I just wasn't sure. You know I appreciate everything you do and how you tend to the kids but I know that you wonder about our family and us. I have had some reservations but I want to do it. I want to have another baby. I want to have a baby with you"

Caleb, "uh I'm kind of speechless but don't you think that this is possibly the worst time to be thinking about this. I mean you're in a court battle with your ex and I'm moving states away. I just don't think that this is the right time"

"I just told you that I want to have a baby and the first thing out of your mouth is oh babe this is the worst time possible. Wow really. I was kind of expecting to hear wow I can't wait. I've wanted to be a father my whole life"

Caleb, "Well technically I'm a dad. I know that sometimes things can get crazy and you know that I would love to have a million babies with you but I am also a reasonable man. I know that this isn't the right time to do this and we would be doing our child a disservice if we brought one into the world right now. I know that you're an amazing woman and you would be an amazing mom and we do a great amount of good. I hope that I haven't really upset you over this but it just doesn't make any sense. At least let's wait a couple of months until we can have the custody situation in order"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now