The Baby Momma

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Martin had been attempting to speak to me but I just wasn't in the mood. I need a break from the whole trey situation and Caleb wanted to go and spend some time with his parents. So we decided to go on a nice little road trip to his parents house. Since our conversation about the surrogate I thought that maybe things would settle down but it was like now he was on full on mission control for finding a surrogate and it was honestly a lot. I didn't know where or how to really have a conversation with him without it turning out to be a full blown argument and that scared me but I just needed some peace. The night before I was trying to get the kids to get to sleep early because we had to get in the road early but they were being extra over the top.

"Listen we have to be in the road by 5 tomorrow morning so I suggest that everyone gets to bed before 10. I'm not going to be chasing after anyone tomorrow"

"Mom how come we have to go. You said that we would be able to make a final decision before we went on trips. I wanted to spend the weekend at Brianna's and I know Ava wanted to spend some time with us. Why do we have to go to Arizona?"

"I think that it would be nice if we go and see calebs parents and you guys had such a fun time last time. It's only for the long weekend. We will be back bride you know it"

"Why can't you two just go and then take Andrew and Julian"

"And leave you, kaiyah and Sade here alone. I don't think so. Nia you may have had plans but I'm calling it. We are going. So get to bed"

Later that night I was up making sure everything was packed away. Caleb had been working late and I heard him downstairs talking to someone. When he didn't come up I went to check on him.

"Babe why aren't you coming up? We have to get on the road soon. Don't you want to get some sleep?"

"I'm just going to sleep down here"

"Caleb come on. There's a whole bed upstairs. Why stay on the couch"

"Listen I already said that I'm going to sleep down here. Can you just let it go"

I wasn't going to fight him on something so dumb. If he wanted to stay on the couch then fine with me. But he better not come to me tomorrow complaining that he was sore or didn't sleep well. I went back upstairs and went to bed. Of course getting the kids out of the house was more of a challenge then it should have been and Caleb was of no help. It blew my mind at times how men could basically take on the role of an additional child.  The first two hours everyone was knocked out and I had some silence.

By the time we got halfway the younger kids were starving and we stopped at this diner. Caleb spent half the time on the phone and then proceeded to try and rush us out because he wanted to finish driving. About an hour in the kids went back to sleep and I knew that we needed to have a conversation about what was going on.

"Caleb before we reach your parents house I think we have to talk about all the baby stuff and what we are going to say to them. I'm not fully comfortable talking to them about it, especially since we haven't said anything to the kids about it. And I don't want to speak about the stuff going on with Trey"

"Why would you want to hide anything from my parents. They have been so supportive of me and of us. It's not like they are going to pass judgement on you or anything. Plus my mom has been up to date with everything"

"I know that. But there's just some stuff that I think needs to be private. Like within the household. I don't want the kids to be overwhelmed and this is supposed to be a nice break for us as well. I know how heated you can get about this. Some time away may do us some good"

"Heated ? You mean just because I'm proactive about something that means I'm heated?  No Diamond. It's called being proactive and investing into what you want"

"Proactive? You've been forcing all this stuff down my throat without even considering if it's something that I want. I don't have a fucking voice in all of this shit and you're  stonewalling me on everything. It's like no matter where I turn the only thing you want to talk about is this baby. Just a couple weeks ago I didn't have my kids. I don't know how you're not able to comprehend the pain I was going through. I don't want to do this"

"You make it seem like I wasn't there when all of this was going down. You make it seem like I was just some type of out of the shadow figure. I've been there for you and it's like I'm coming in second fiddle to your life. When we got married we made vows to each other to be there for each other no matter what. This relationship has been a constant of me just taking on and going the extra mile and the one thing I ask for and you're out here just not even meeting me at the starting point. Explain that shit to me"

"I made vows to be there for you and I am. But I also  have to be there for my children. They are children and if I have to choose who get my prime time then it's going to be them. Having a child with me isn't going to change that I have to look after my kids. They came from me and with the situation that I have with trey I can't afford to make any mistakes. If you feel like I'm not prioritizing you then you shouldn't just do the silent treatment with me or make me feel like shit. I've been through an emotionally abusive relationship before and I'm not doing that anymore. If you don't like my way of doing things or the way I am with my kids then that's something you will have to think about and see if it's something you're willing to accept"

"Your relationship? Your kids?  How could I ever even come in on your top five of priority people when you can't even acknowledge me as another parent in this situation. I may not have any biological claim to these kids but I've been there through thick and thin with you and I'm being treated like a second class citizen in what's supposed to be our shared household. Diamond how do you honestly view me? Maybe that's the real conversation we should be having"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now