The Side Chick

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That Friday was my dreaded lunch or possible dinner date with Adrian and I was a mess. I had no idea how this was going to go down and I know Tara was trying to be supportive of me but I felt so on edge it didn't even make any sense. I had told Tyson about the whole thing and he wasn't really saying much but we both knew that this was something we needed to work on.  The only thing that saved me was that I had a doctors appointment that Wednesday and Tyson was coming with me.

When we showed up the place was somewhat packed and even though he was in a hoodie and glasses we both swore there was this one guy who was looking at his phone and then staring at us. I tried to just stay in my zone and we moved from that section but I so didn't want anyone to try and leak anything. When we made it into the doctors office I changed and stepped up into the chair. The doctor checked my blood pressure, weight and then he asked if I had anything I wanted to go over before we started the exam. I was still to early on for like regular ultrasounds but he said he would do a vaginal one to see if anything was going on.

The doctor looked around for a little bit and wasn't saying anything so immediately my heart started racing and I could feel myself kind of just pushing into Tyson's hand but he didn't say anything. Finally the doctor cleared his throat, moved around and then pushed some button on the monitor. The first thing I heard was a boom boom boom sound. Just back to back to back and I could feel the tears rolling down my face. I looked over and Tyson had his hand on the top of my head just staring at the screen. 

"Okay sorry about that. I was just looking over the uterus. Now if you look here you can see a sac and right now we won't be able to really see anything to definite but you can obviously hear the heartbeat.  Now I'm going to just move around and make sure everything else is good, okay"

"Yeah. Go ahead"

"Okay now I have to ask are their multiples in your family history?"

"No not for me. Ty what Bout you?"

"No. I'm an only child and my mom was an only child"

"Okay. No problem. Now if we'll look at the second screen on the right hand you'll see what look likes another sac. Now I'll have to take measurements but at this point in time it does look like there are possibly two sacs developing"

"So that means twins"

"Well it could possibly mean that. I'll have to take measurements and some more scans but if that's the case with your history I'll have to label this as a high risk pregnancy and you will have to see a specialist"

"Oh uh okay. Will you still be seeing us or just this specialist?"

"It would be a combination but you would be seeing the specialist more often. Because the pregnancy is so new we don't have as many appointments. With a specialist you would be seeing them on a weekly basis but I'll make sure to refer you to one that can accommodate your schedules. We here certainly understand the predicament you're both in so we will be as discreet as possible"

The doctor talked with us for a bit before we left and the whole car ride home I didn't even know what to think. Like twins. That was something else. I would have never expected and my mind was doing like a couple flips. I had no idea how Tyson was even processing all of this and like how would we even tell people. When we got back to my place Tara was on the couch knocked out and I went over to wake her. Tyson was supposed to be leaving immediately after the appointment but he looked like he still needed some time to process everything.

"Babe are you okay?"

"The doctor said possibly two kids Aaliyah. Like that's not some simple shit right there"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now