The Wife

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We had luckily been able to leave the hotel and I was staying in this house for a little while until things got more settled. Martin had become like a second helped around the house. He had come over almost daily to see Kairo and I was happy for any help. Plus he was trying to convince me to go and see Trey at his rehab place but I didn't feel like that was needed nor did I think it made any sense for me to bring the baby there. He was barely three months old and Trey hasn't even apologized to me for his craziness before.

My mom has gone back to Virginia because she had work and my sister was so busy with her new job that I kind of started to enjoy my time with Martin. Kairo was doing something new every day and I did like to take photos and videos to send him but I was also cautious because I didn't want Kairo parades all over the internet. I still hadn't posted him on any of my social media and that was challenging.

"Listen so tomorrow we are having this little get together at the house for Trey. He's going to be there for about an hour. Would you be into the idea of just stopping by for a little moment to see him"

"Martin I see you and I'm not falling for it. I'm not going to put myself into a situation where I have to deal with crazy. You told me that he's been changing and all of this stuff but I want to see him take some energy and initiative on his own. This whole time you've been coming over and doing whatever you can to help out and I truly do appreciate it but I'm not going to just let the other stuff slide. That man nearly killed me when I was pregnant with his child and I'm not going to forgive that. The stuff he did to Diamond is beyond appalling and I have too much to risk by doing anything for him.  If he wants to see the baby then he needs to have his lawyer speak to mine"

"Listen why don't you let me come pick you up tomorrow and then just come for ten minutes. I will make sure that Trey sees you and the baby first and then you can leave. No drama. A quick in and out"

"Martin come on. Don't pressure me into something"

"Okay. I hear you but I have to okays devils advocate because he's blood"

"Listen I'll see how I feel and how Kairo feels and I'm in and out. I don't want not one single person saying hello or even looking our way"

"Okay. I can work with that"

My friend Bria came over to see me after Martin let and I just felt like getting some guidance on the situation would be better.

"Bri I got a question"

"Girl what is it?"

"So Martins been coming over and helping out and it's been good but he wants me to bring the baby over to see Trey. He's on some small home visit from rehab for the day and I just don't know"

"Has Martin been pressuring you cause you don't owe that nigga anything. Especially after he tried to continuously put you on blast. If I was you I would have made sure to clear out the accounts and go on my way"

"Yeah you know we have been on some crazy shit and you know how things have been going with Diamond. I don't want to cross a line with her because we've been getting along and she has been a major help. Our kids are siblings forever and I can't have drama with her. I'm not really fucking with Trey since the last time he wanted to go crazy but I also know that he's not going away"

"Toya you don't owe him anything. He dragged you through the mud and back when you were pregnant and you didn't deserve that. You don't have to do anything for him and honestly fuck Martin for trying to push you into something"

"This has got me all fucked up now. I'm just like over this whole shit. I'm over it all"

"Listen you do whatever is best for you and I'm going to walk down the road with you. He's a piece of shit and he's doing a lot but you my girl. So if you want me to come with I'm down and I will back you up on anything"

"Listen I'm not even sure that I'm going to go because he has a lot to make up for and I'm not going to put Kairo into anything. This little precious baby deserves the world and a father that's going to be there for him. I'm not going to subject him to the constant drama that comes with Trey"

"Girl when you are ready to get you a man then let me know. Cause I have had a few people come and ask about You and these are real quality men. Not that loser type you like to go for"

"Girl I'm not even divorced. How am I going to be in a whole relationship?"

"What the fuck does a divorce have to do with anything. If you want to be in a relationship then we can make that happen. That divorce shit ain't stop Trey from having random groupies come to his house and fuck him. He still be living his best life so why can't you do the same for yourself"

"Oh I don't know. You see me. I'm a mess right now"

"Girl you didn't gain that much weight. Go get you a nice blow out and you'll be good. I got you. You could be a baddie in a couple of minutes. Plus you not some type of over the top person. You can be real down to earth when you want and you have your own path. Everybody out here wants to be friends with everybody and be somebody else and you're not like that. That's why I fuck with you and anyone else would love to. Matter of fact if you do end up going to that shit tards house tomorrow then you need to go in the baddest outfit you own so you can show him what the fuck is really up"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now