The Wife

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I had been calling Diamond's phone trying  to figure out what the whole situation was. It all seemed so crazy to me and I knew that she was going though it. I had stopped by the house but she was never home and her cell phone stayed going straight  to voicemail. I knew that she was in a nasty custody battle with Trey but I never knew that he would stoop that low and try and take the kids away from her in such a manner. I knew there was no way possible that she would have ever done anything to endanger her kids and if he thought she was going to back down then he was smoking crack. I also realized that I was in a bit of a situation myself and had to make sure I was right.

Trey hadn't called my phone since I called his ass out on bringing out all those people to my house. He knew that I didn't want strangers coming to my house and he was clearly out of his mind if he through that I was spending any time at his. My mom was kind of on my ass to make a call to him but when I heard that he was going after Diamond I decided to stay to myself. I had Kairo and he wasn't going to take anything from me.

So imagine my surprise when I wake up one morning and my phone is blowing up. My good friend and lash tech Shay is blowing up my phone. She said that this stupid ass man was online making threats and saying all types of nonsense about me and how I was a stripper and all this stuff. I wasn't even trying to get into an argument with him but when he started talking about how I was not letting him see his son I almost lost it. This man had nothing better to do than harass people on the internet.

My mind was telling me to just let it go but he just knew how to get under your skin. So I was like enough is enough. I had the home video of when he came with about 500 people to my house to see a newborn baby who was asleep. It showed them cursing, drinking and smoking while I removed the baby and then you could clearly see me and Trey fighting. I know this stupid ass didn't think that I had security videos in my house so he wasn't expecting me to respond back. I also showed my text messages and phone list and you could clearly see that he hadn't called or messaged in days so the ball was clearly in his court. Having been called out on his bullshit he decided to come at me again for my past and was just making stuff up at this point.

Luckily Diamond ended up calling me and asking if I wanted to come over for dinner and she said  that she would love it if I brought the baby with me. My non deserved a night off and I wanted to see how I could help her. When I came over it was so weird seeing the house so empty and not hearing the voices of the kids. Caleb  looked super sad and you could just tell that everyone was messed up about the whole situation. Diamond was as calm as one could be and she still held her head up high. She asked about the whole case with trey and told me to avoid commenting with his dumb ass.

"So what's next step are you going to court again or what. I've spoken to my lawyer and they said that your judge is clearly biased "

"Honestly I really don't know. My lawyer is telling me that I need to just stay calm and that the appeal is already underway. They got me temporary visits but I told them that there was no way in hell I was going to that man's house. I don't know how gees ever going to be able to live with himself. I mean the kids have phones they can research things and they are going to see that he's lying out of the side of his mouth. Plus he did this in Andres birthday. Like why would he do that to him? I've known him for  almost half of my life and he still amazes me sometimes. It just doesn't make any sense "

"And I know that we haven't always gotten along and we've done some crazy things to each other but we both are parents now. I understand where you're coming from and I'm willing to help any way that I can. Trey has the wrong people steering him and I'm not sure who he's trying to please or what his motive is but he's messing with the wrong people. You will get your kids back and when you so you need to fight for permanent sole custody and move away from here"

"Girl you stole's the word right out of my mouth. Caleb always has a job in Austin and the kids k know now more than ever that this isn't going to be the place for us anymore I'm done doing the back and forth arguments with him. He's driving me crazy and I'm not going to rush my life and healthy trying to make things work with him. For that dumb ass man to try and accuse me of physically or sexually abusing my children is just one of the lowest blows he could take. He knows exactly what he's doing and I don't know why he is trying to go down this road but when you push a momma bear you will get attacked and it won't be nice"

"When are you going to see the kids? I want to send some pictures of Kairo to them. I know that they barely got to see him since they have been gone and with the sting that Trey pulled this morning there is no  way I'm going over to his house"

"You know he's a controlling type. When you first meet him he's sweet and charming and makes you think that the world is yours. I remember when we Forest started dating he would go out of his way to make me feel like the most important person in the world. For our first anniversary he gave me this necklace and it had flowers from the first date we had. To think that he would turn into this monster is something else. I have no words and the kids aren't comfortable. I know that he's got people coming in and out of the house and I don't want them confused. I know your interactions have been limited with but do you know of Jess dating anyone?"

"Honestly the last time he came to see Kairo he was with a bunch of guys and there were a couple of girls around but no one that looked familiar. Maybe one if them works at those spa places but I skinny think he is really fucking with any of them like that"

"Alright well I'm heading over to the meeting center tomorrow and I'll ask the kids if anything strange is going on. Just send me the pics and I will make sure to show them. Plus I promise that I will be over later this week to see that precious baby and I'll bring some food "

"Girl come on. The more visitors the better"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now