The Side Chick

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The following weekend Tyson hit me up asking if I wanted to go in a little getaway. I figured maybe we would go to Hawaii or something. I know a couple resorts in Mexico that are low key. So imagine my surprise when he's telling me that we are going to Europe for a freaking month.

"Tyson what thee hell. Tiff didn't tell me to pack that much stuff. You see my little suitcase. You told me it was warm. I'm running a short weekend getaway to a restore not this long haul trip. I have work"

"Come on it's a spontaneous trip. You're only young once you might as well enjoy it and plus this is work. You're hanging out with friends having a good time. Plus I wanted it to be a surprise "

"My friends are going to be worried about me. That didn't expect me to be home for so long. Listen I have other commitments. I can't promise anything other than a week okay"

"Later I've been speaking to Tara about this and she said that you deserved a break and you've always wanted to go to Europe. Listen this trip is just something for a deserving friend okay. Let's just go and enjoy it"

I honestly couldn't believe Tyson but when we stepped off the plane in southern Italy and took a yacht to Capri I was in heaven. The food was amazing, the people were nice and the water was magnificent. Tyson said that we would be spending the month hatching around the Mediterranean and then going on a small mini adventure through the alps. I was being impressed and kind of confused because this seemed more than friendly. We hasn't really discussed our relationship or whatever it was that we had going on but I could sense that maybe this trip was kind of like a question of what it is we were doing. Of course his friends had kind of tried to ask me multiple times what was going on but I didn't know. We hadn't crossed any boundaries that made me think that we were anything more than friends but I had to admit that we were a little closer than most friends or at least platonic friends were.

One evening  after dinner I was having drinks with Tyson and one of two of his homeboys and his security guard Ike. We had a couple drinks and everyone is having a good time. When we head back to the boat we decided to have one final night cap. I'm definitely feeling myself but also you know staying aware of my surroundings. As I'm heading back down to my room Tyson takes me hand and whispers if I want to head back to his room. My body was telling me that I should just call it a night but part of me was wondering if maybe this was something to pursue. As we were walking back to his cabin his security guard bumped into us and I felt so guilty about it. He didn't say anything but I think we both knew that the timing wasn't right. The next day I was trying to get some pics for the gram from one of the decks but it was a total struggle. Tyson has been kind of ignoring me and I knew that he was a bit embarrassed but he was the reason I was here and I didn't want to leave us with some bad energy. I called him over to my lounge chair and he sat with me.

"Okay so you are the truth speaker and I'm not getting much out of you today. what's going on?"

"Nothing man. Just a long night and my heads killing me"

"That's it"

"Yeah. That's it"

"Alright well then help me take some pictures. I got to send Tara a video of our adventures yesterday in the market. I think she would love it"

"Listen I'm thinking maybe you just send the videos of yourself. I don't want people to get the wrong impression"

"And What impression is that? Are you embarrassed by me now? I mean what's up?"

"Listen. I didn't say anything like that. I'm just saying that we know how things are but they can look another way to the public"

"We've been on a boat and hanging around for almost two weeks now and you haven't been embarrass before and said anything before. What's changed since then?"

"We both know what's changed. I've been clear with you"

"You told me that nothing was wrong a couple minutes ago. I'd this is about last night then we can talk about it. I'm not embarrassed by it but I also don't know if there is something deeper going on. If you want to say anything to me just be direct. That's  why I fuck with you"

"You know how I was feeling about last night. Then you just dipped off. What's good about that?"

"We were drunk and I'm not trying to be in a situation where in the morning people don't remember or are unsure. You know I enjoy hanging out with you and being around you. I mean look at where we are right now. But also understand that my past isn't perfect and I've run into things before. We've taken things slowly and been honest with each other. You have never openly stated to me that you're into me and you want anything romantic with me. Be honest with me and I will do the same to you"

"So what did you think last night was"

"I thought it was friends hanging out and then getting drunk and possibly rushing into something that they might regret in the morning. I wanted to make sure that if we took that step we did it sober and let it happen naturally. I know that there is something between us but we haven't explored It and I'm scared about it. I value our friendship and I've never had a relationship like this with a guy before. It's usually about attraction"

"Tonight I would like to take you out to dinner. Just the two of us and we can have a drink and see where the night takes us. Does that sound like something you would be interested in"

"What are you going to do if I say no? Listen I'm just playing around. You tell me the time and I'll be ready."

Later that night I was actually kind of nervous. I had no idea why because this wasn't something new but it was with someone new. I'm back if my head I was kind of worried about what it would mean but I also knew that I didn't have to do anything I want comfortable with. Tyson knocked in my door minutes to 7 and said the cheer was ready for us. I thought we were going to some place on shore but he had a full blown dinner set up on the second deck. With the wind hitting just nice to break the night heat I was feeling myself and conversation flowed. The thing with Tyson and myself was that maybe we were just too close and it made it hard to figure out when was the right time to make a move. The whole night it felt like he was kind of holding back but then that just made it more awkward. Neither of us had really touched it drinks cause if we were going to do this then we wanted it to be official and not under any misguided state.

Before dinner finished I made sure to snap done pictures at least for my personal scrap book of memories and after we went to hang with his boys. The following morning I woke up and had breakfast on the front deck. They had my favorite, French toast and I went hard. After we decided to go jet skiing and Tyson was my partner. It was so much fun but he was going crazy. and then he wanted to do some parasailing. I know you're buckled up and you have a vest but I was not feeling that. My heart felt like it was going to come out of my throat and I almost broke Tyson's hand because I was holding on to it so tight. When we finally got back down I decided to go for a swim but Omar, who was Tyson's brother decided to start a water balloon fight. We literally took over the whole boat throwing water balloons at each other and it was so much fun. There was one moment where I was running along the side deck and Shawn was after me. Tyson was standing in the nook of one of the decks and pulled me in. I was trying to be as quiet as a mouse so I could get Shawn but Tyson was laughing so much. I kissed him just so he could shut up for two seconds and Shawn could walk by. He ended up kissing me back more and it was like okay hold up. We need to find a room or something.

That night after dinner I think we both knew that the games were over. He didn't even wait around. After food was taken from the table he excused himself and then got my chair for me. No one said a thing but I could see Omar smirking a little. We didn't even make it to the room before he had his hands all over me. Tyson wasn't an aggressive person but he definitely knew what he wanted and could handle himself. I knew athletes had stamina but even he had me worn out and I could tell that he wanted to go some more. I was beyond exhausted and tried to stay on for as long as I could. The following morning I woke up and Tyson was knocked out but as soon as he felt me start moving he was back on the prowl again. No hesitation or anything.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now