The Side Chick

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It has been a week since my last appointment and I was beyond nervous. Tyson was trying to be the sane one for both of us but I could tell that he was nervous. We had been kind of cooped up at his house and he was hardly even hanging with his boys. I told him that it didn't matter if his boys came over I could still hang but he wasn't having it. He wanted to spend all his spare time with me.

"Listen so I have practice this morning but I should be done by 12 and then I'll have Akari pick you up and I'll meet you at the doctors. Then I'm flying out to Denver and I'll be gone for three days. But I'll he e my phone on me in case you need to reach me and you know Rich always has a line for me"

"Oh okay. Do you want me to stay here or should I leave?"

"I mean I would like if you stayed but it's up to you. I know that you and Tara got your own thing going on and I don't want to get in the way but I like coming home and having you already here"

"No you like coming home and having your bed warm already. Don't play with me?"

"Aye listen since I'm just shooting the place up I'm just living my best life. I can't be mad to have a girl that's got me wanting her am the damn time. That's on you"

"Listen don't get too comfortable shooting the place up. I'm not about to be popping out no five six kids"

"Listen we'll see about that. Cause last time I checked you the one that's been calling me up all hours of the day asking if I got five minutes"

"Whatever. Listen I'll see you later. Love you"

"Love you"

When I made it to the doctors office it was basically empty. When Tyson came to my appointment we would book up the whole two hours just cause we didn't need a scene and my doctor was more than accommodating. This would be the day that we would find out if this was actually was viable pregnancy or not. While I had been very open with Tyson about my feelings and the situation I think that we put a lot of faith into the fact that maybe things would be all right. I just prayed every night that the hgc Numbers would be right and the baby would be developing properly. Tyson looked a little stressed but he could tell I was nervous and he just held my hand and rubbed my head. When the doctor came in he took my blood and then we did a ultrasound. So far everything kind of looked normal but he wanted to look at my blood and then we would talk. About twenty minutes later he came over and showed us all the paperwork.

I just felt the tears going down my face and even Tyson had some. The doctor went over to everything and gave me a couple of pamphlets. After we left Tyson demanded to take me back to his house. When we came in I saw Tara and some of my friends and Trey's friends were in the living room and they had all these balloons and a sign that said congratulations. I was crying and I just couldn't believe it. Trey was showing everyone the sonogram and going into detail about the whole appointment. Trey had to go but he definitely said that we would have some alone time when he came back.

I decided to head back to my apartment because I wanted to spend some time with Tara and I kind of missed making videos with her. We hadn't talked about what to do with the pregnancy but I had an idea of what I wanted to do. I also knew that since this was a go I needed to go and get into contact with Adrian. We had to work on a divorce and ASAP.

"Babykins you're having a baby. I can't believe this"

"I know. I'm so fucking excited. Like you don't even understand. When I didn't know at first whether it was viable then I was kind of trying to keep my Hope down but when we found out this morning I just wanted to just jump from the rooftop. I can't believe this. Like I'm ready to just have this baby already. And Tyson has been so supportive. Like that man and his love is on a whole other level"

"Babykins. I'm so happy for you. Like all my friends are getting their lives together and I'm here making videos on YouTube"

"Tara no you're using your influencer powers to the max and you're going to find someone and I'm not leaving. Tyson and I are good but I'm not going to rush into anything with him. You know I have a history of doing that and I need to get into contact with Adrian. I'm not going anywhere and I'm not giving up on videos with you. It's going to be a little challenging but we are going to make this work"

"Oh shit. I totally forgot about Adrian. What are you going to do about that?"

"I need to get a freaking divorce. That's all I'm focused on"

"You're the only person that I know who's fallen for a guy gotten with him and then broken up and gotten back together and broken up. I mean the first time didn't you get an annulment. The second time I think it's going to be a divorce"

"Well the first time we were like 18 so it didn't count really and then listen I totally went in thinking that it would be it. Like Adrian was my soulmate but maybe you're destined to have more than one of those. I have no idea. I just know that I'm not going to pursue anything with Adrian right now cause I'm having a freaking baby. Adrian will always have a special place in my heart but it's time for me to move on and that's it. I tried and he didn't want to reconcile and that's okay with me"

"Personally speaking I think Tyson is a good fit and as long as you're going to be open and honest with him then it's no problem. You know what works for you and I support it. Plus I am claiming godparent status"

"Oh for sure. I mean you're the first person that found out I was pregnant so you're by choice the godparent and you honestly have the support from your parents and family to honestly raise my child"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court Chroniclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें