The Babby Momma

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It had been two weeks since the last therapy session and I could still sense that something was not right with Caleb. We hadn't discussed the whole baby thing and I didn't feel like another conversation was needed but for the sake of our marriage we needed to have some adult time to figure things out. My mom was more than willing to have some time with her grandchildren and I told Caleb that we would have a much needed date night. We ended up going to this Mexican place I knew he liked.

" we definitely need to do this more often. I think it would be really important for us to just have some alone time and be able to do adult things without the kids always needing us"

"Yeah I mean I guess if we aren't going to have any more kids then we have to be conceivable around us"

"Are you starting this right mike? Are you serious? Like I just wanted to have one night where we can just be about us"

"Listen I love you and I always will but I'm serious about having a child. I want to be a father. That's not something I'm going to give up on"

"Well I'm glad to hear that my kids aren't your children. I mean that's always what I wanted to hear from my partner "

"Di you know what I mean. The kids are our kids. You know that I didn't mean it like that. I just mean that I would like to have a baby with you"

"But I'm not ready to have a baby. You know that I have a lot on my plate right now and I don't know why you keep on pushing this idea. When are you going to see that maybe it isn't in the cards for right now"

"Okay but have you thought about other options. Maybe we could hire a surrogate or adopt. I'm not saying that you would need to physically carry the baby if that's what you're scared about. We have options"

"A surrogate? What? That's crazy. How would we even do that?"

"Listen my friend miles and his wife has a surrogate. I'm sure I could call them and ask them what the process was. We could find someone that we both like and then implant her with my sperm and your egg and have a baby. I know you're busy with the kids and the whole trey situation but I could go to the appointments and take on the main role while you figure out your custody situation"

"I mean I hadn't thought about it but I guess. I know that there are agreements people make but I would have to look into it some more and speak to people about it. Nothing about having a baby is easy and they are lifelong connections. There's so much at risk and I don't want to make a mistake or miss out in anything because of what I'm going through"

"And I understand but I will be there for you. I'm you're partner. When you can't fill in I'm there to help out as best as I can. Let me do this. Let me find a surrogate for us so we can have this dream baby"

"Caleb I said I would look into it. We both have to be ready to commit and agree to this if we are going to do it. But before we have any more baby talk we need to discuss the kids we have in the house now and what the plan is for next year"

"Yes the plan. I mean at this point is there a possibility of you wanting to stay here? I know that you have gotten much closer to Toya and she doesn't have a whole lot of support out here but what are you're thoughts?"

"I know toya is just waiting on her divorce to be finalized before she leaves the state so I'm not too worried about that. As far as moving to Texas I was on board but you're parents are closer here now than if we moved. I think that staying around them would be ideal in case we need help or anything. The kids could easily spend more time during the holidays or breaks with them and my mom won't want to love to Texas. She's lived in la since she was a little girl and I can't leave her here by herself. She was already upset when I told her that we were moving neighborhoods"

"Well I would have to speak to Dylan about switching my office around and it may involve taking a small paycut. I was going to be leading a division down in Texas. If I stay here then I'm going to have to just be an agent. It's not a huge pay difference but we definitely will have to be smarter with the decisions of the house"

"I'm more than ready to sell that house And juice somewhere nice. I want a one story with a big backyard. I want the kids to have as place to build and run around and security. I want a security team around the premises at all times. I'm sure we could make that work with our budget"

"And what would our budget be"

"I would say anything from 2-5 million. I mean we do live in LA. We are going to have you spend some money but I know a great real estate agent. Do you think that us impossible?"

"No I just wanted to know what we were looking at. You know I'm not in the same tax bracket as your ex and we haven't had many issues with money but if we decided to take on a surrogate and have a baby then things may be a little tighter than normal. I just resent to makes sure that you're going to be okay no matter what"

"When you meet me I wasn't super rich and it wasn't as problem. Nothing has changed since we got married. And it won't us we decided to have this baby. I love you and that's what matters"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now