The Wife

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I woke up the next morning and told myself that I would see how I felt. Kairo was sleeping peacefully next to me and Martin had stopped by with coffee and some flowers. I called Bria and told her that she needed to come over cause we had places to be.

"Listen Toya you my girl but I just don't think going to see this stupid nigga is the right thing to do. All he knows is how to waste people time and you need someone better"

"Listen I just want him to see Kairo so it doesn't become a headache for me later and that's it. We talked yesterday and I think a little glam will help me just get my groove back if you know what I mean. I just want to feel a little"

"Okay girl. That's all you needed to tell me. Listen after this little shindig at Treys house why don't you let me call a friend over and I'll watch Kairo and you two can go to lunch or something. It could be super discrete"

"No Bria. I'm not ready for all of that. How about after we stop by we go out for lunch and that's it. I'm not trying to get into anything with anyone"

"Okay fine whatever. Now lemme see what are the options for today"

"I was thinking I would wear this little wrap dress. You know not anything to serious"

"No. You need to show off what you're working with so that stupid asshole knows that he messed with the wrong one"

About two hours later I had my hair layed to the gods and my makeup was a little soft glam. I had searched through my closet and didn't see anything that really sparked my interest. I was about to just put on some jeans and a little white tank top and then I saw it. It was a floral dress they clung just right. I mean my body hadn't completely gone back to pre-baby but it definitely hugged my curves in the right place. When I put my heels on it was definitely a look. And while I didn't post a lot on social media I did add a couple pictures to my Instagram story and Bria was most definitely hyping me up.

Kairo was in a simple all grey onesie and he had on these little sandals. Sometime I would look at him and just imagine how I could have ever produced anything so sweet and innocent. His baby scent just drove me crazy but I knew that he was the one thing I was willing to die for. When we pulled up to the house I was already feeling like maybe this wasn't right. Martin was waiting at the front door and he escorted us to the back living area. I hadn't seen anyone yet and Kairo was wide awake just looking around.

When I walked into the room I almost didn't recognize Trey. He had started growing his hair out and he had a beard. His eyes kind of sparkled more and for a moment I thought to myself damn he looks good. He didn't see us at first but when he turned over a smile came over his face. He walked over and gave me a quick hug and acknowledged Bria before turning to Kairo. I put Kairos carrier down and took him out but Kairo wanted no parts of Trey. Trey tried to get his attention and Kairo started bawling. I had to take him and bounce him around for a bit. Trey didn't say much and I had my eye on the time.

When Kairo finally calmed down I held his hand whole Trey was bouncing him and for a moment I thought that he was about to crack a smile. Trey asked if he could take a couple photos and I told him that no social media at all. After about ten minutes I said that we had to go and I could see that Trey wanted to say something but he held back. He just thanked me for coming and have Kairo a kiss. Then he handed me an envelope but I didn't have the energy to open it up then and there. Martin escorted us to the front and thanked me over and over for coming. When we got back into the car I could see that a couple cars had been lined up outside and were starting to make their way inside.

Bria and I went to lunch at this little Italian place in Sherman oaks and it was kind of charming. Kairo was knocked out and I decided to open the envelope. I kind of thought maybe he would be serving me some papers for some foolishness but it was a letter. Trey was attempting to apologize for his ways and while I kind of appreciated the effort it just didn't do anything for me. Bria read it and laughed. I did send him a thank you text but didn't want to push it anymore. As we were eating my phone started to go off. I'm looking and hoping that it has nothing to do with me or Kairo and luckily it was just one of my friends asking if I wanted to hang out. When I got back home Bria put on some crazy Netflix movie and wanted to just jump into girl talk.

"Okay so how are you feeling?"

"I mean fine I guess. I didn't know what to really expect but I'm glad he's seeking help. I just hope he continues on"

"And what about the letter?"

"Honestly I guess I appreciate the effort but I'm not going to do anything with that. Plus if there's anyone he needs to speak to and clear the air with its Diamond. I did let her know that I was going to see him and she didn't respond so I have no idea. But I know that she's been dealing with some of her own things so I don't want to over bother her"

"So you think he's going to want to see Kairo again?"

"I honestly don't know and I'm not going to just hand him over. Kairo was clearly not too comfortable with him today and I'm not comfortable with him being alone with the baby. Martin knows that it was a big deal for me to even come and he's not going to rush me"

"How did you feel about seeing trey? I mean was my like hate or what?"

"It's confusing. Cause he caused so much stuff in my life but he also helped me have this amazing little boy and I'll be thankful for that but I would rather be buried a billion times before I think about getting back together with him. But I'm not going to lie he did look kind of good but that's dead"

"Girl I was waiting for you to say something. But I totally understand. Listen you take all the time that you need to get over that man and when you're ready to see someone then I am telling you that I have someone that's perfect for you"

"Okay. Okay"

That night before I went to bed I saw that I had a message from Martin. As part of thanking me for coming through and bringing the baby to see Trey he wanted to take us all out to wherever I wanted. I told him let's go to dinner at my favorite sushi place and we will be even. At first I was kind of worried cause he didn't say anything but I figured don't worry about it. Maybe he thought I was asking him on a date but we could most definitely go any time and I would most definitely bring the baby with me. However like ten minutes before I went to bed I saw that he responded and he said he would pick me up at 7 the following night.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang