The Wife

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The night before my induction I was having a walk with my sister and my cousin Lea. So far nothing had really kick started this labor and I was starting to get over it.

Lea, "so what's the deal about the whole induction thing? Do you only plan on having Shani with you or who else?"

"Well I was thinking of having Shani, my mom and maybe Trey. He's been messaging me ever since the doctors appointment and honestly I just want to get this whole thing over with"

Shani, "What has he been saying? You know I've been hearing that he has some new girl who used to be friends with the side chick and she's the one behind all the lawsuits and craziness. He's like hooked in her claws or something"

"I have no idea what's going on with them and I don't care to find out. Trey can do whatever he wants and I told him that. We are in the process of getting a divorce and the only reason we should be communicating is because of the baby. I'm not going to be running around trying to get anything from him and I made that clear. He's a grown ass man and at some point in time he's going to have to take a stand and be accountable for his actions"

Shani, "I know but you're going to have to be a little more open to things with him. He has a way that he imagines things going and I'm sure you're going to want to have him around. This is your first baby and you want to take in and remember as much as you can"

"I know how difficult it's going to be but you can't expect me to just take on all that Trey is. He put me through a lot and I can't just accept that. For almost all of this pregnancy he has been absent and now he wants to step up and be super dad. It's fucked up and I'm not having it. You guys have like forced this idea of him being in the room for the delivery and I'm still not sure if I want that to happen"

Leah, "just do whatever makes you comfortable because this is your first baby and the last thing you want is to be stressed out in the delivery room. Take deep breathes and plus we can all still visit you once the baby is here"

Shani, "have you thought about a name yet? I know mommy was talking about the last name and how you should do something hyphenated"

"Yeah she wants me to hyphenate my last name and his and I'm not sure. I mean technically we are married and I did give up my last name but it wold feel strange to me. As for a first or middle name I have no idea. I've still been looking through books but nothing has really come across my mind and I kind of want to see what the baby looks like before I name him"

When we made it back to the house I was exhausted. I went to take a bath and my sister was supposed to order take out but I was in the mood for some burgers and fries. We ended up at this diner place not far from the house and it was relaxing. Out of nowhere I get a call from Trey asking if we could speak. I told him I was eating and not planning on leaving any time soon so he said he would come and meet me. I was quiet nervous about what he had to say but hopefully it wouldn't irritate me too much.

As usual he walked into the place with about 30 people with him and he had some girls with him. I could tell someone had been gassing him up and I was not about to just let him do his craziness on me. We walked outside to their little patio area for some more privacy.

"So Trey what did you want to talk about?"

Trey, "I been calling your phone and you only want to answer when it's convenient for you. What the fuck is up with that?"

"Are you serious? You literally call me every hour and then talk about randomness. I can't cater my life to your phone calls and I already told you that I'm not going to alter my life for you. I'm about to have a baby tomorrow and you're still driving me up the wall"

Trey, "I don't be calling you about whatever. I'm calling about the baby. I mean last time I checked you still was trying to get them child support checks in place for the baby so if you're not trying to answer your phone then I don't know how we are supposed to get some form of resolution."

"Oh no baby. What we not gonna do today is have me stressed out. I'm enjoying my family time and eating good before the baby comes. You will not come up in here and disrupt my mood with your craziness. If you want to be playing games then call my lawyer because I'm not going to do it. I'm just not. I'm exhausted and stressed out and I just want a small break. I mean can you just let that happen for me. I just want to have a night when I don't have to think about anything and I can just focus on me"

Trey, "Alright. Fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Ok"

The following morning I woke up around 7 and my back was killing me. I went to take a bath and get ready for my appointment. My sister was supposed to be taking me but Trey called and said he was going to pick me up. No matter how many times I explained that he didn't need to do this he went ahead anyways and came. The whole ride to the doctors it was kind of calm because he was alone. While it was only supposed to be a 20 minute ride because of traffic it took us almost 40 minutes and my back was killing me. As we were walking inside I started to feel these small pains in my abdomen and I thought for a second it was just gas. As the doctor checked me out I just felt more and more uncomfortable and at the end he was more than sure that I was possibly in the early stages of labor. He told me to go home, relax and see if my water would break or if the contractions were stronger and then go to the hospital. When we left the appointment I was trying to stay cool but my nerves were getting the better of me and I started like full on bawling. Trey for his part actually tried to console me and calm me down. By the time we made it back to my house my mom had cooked a full on feast and she wanted Trey to come inside and eat. Seeing as how we were on the countdown clock I figured it wouldn't be too much to let him in. Between the food and laughter I showed him the nursery and he was blown away by it.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now