The Wife

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The weekend after the party Martin came over and he seemed in a mood but I didn't want to press him to much. Kairo had a bit of a fever so I wasn't planning on going out much. He bought some food from this Italian place he liked and we just watched movies.

"What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Listen I will be honest with you and you be honest with me"

"Okay. Yes what's going on"

"Has Trey said anything to you about me? He's been acting weird and I think he thinks something something is going on"

"I haven't seen or talked to Trey since the birthday party and honestly I'm not surprised. He gave me a very strange look when I left"

"He's been kind of icy towards me and I'm kind of worried. You know he's still trying to get his head right and I don't need him thinking that we're doing something wrong or I'm going behind his back"

"Okay. I understand but whatever is going on between you and him has nothing to do with you and me and you've been there for Kairo when he couldn't be there for him. I would never want you to feel like you can't come around or you're not welcome in my house cause that's not the case"

"I know but I like you and I know that you're going though a lot and there is a part of me that feels like I can't afford to fuck this up. Trey is my brother and I already feel fucked up for even going out with you and feeling the way I do but we can't keep on. It's not the right thing and you deserve someone who is going to be able to give you 1000% and I can't do that"

"Martin listen it was fun I understand but you don't have to feel guilty about anything. I'm a grown woman. I can handle my own. I'm worried because you deserve to be with someone that can make you happy. It didn't have to be me but you are a good person and watching over Trey is something you can't devote all of your life too. Hes a grown man and he has to be held accountable at times. That's going to be hard for him but that's the only way he's going to grow as a person. You deserve to have your own life and yes I have overly relied on you as well but I know that I can handle this. There are no other options for me but I do appreciate you being open about this. If you want I can clear the air with Trey and tell him that you've just been helping me out with Kai and that's the truth. You've been helping me out tenfold with him. I will forever be grateful for all that you've done and as I said before you can come around whenever you want. This is an open door policy when it comes to Kairo. Don't ever hesitate"

Martin stayed around for a bit and after he left I messaged Trey asking him if he wanted to come over and spend some time with Kai. I told him he was sick so he couldn't take him out and about but he could spend some time at the house or maybe see it Diamond would let him come over and see the other kids. Trey didn't respond to my messages but I could see that he had read them. Sometimes he could be so annoying.

The following weekend he finally hit me up saying that we needed to talk immediately because he was hearing things about me and wanted to see if I had any problems with him. I didn't know why he had to be worried about what other people were saying when he could just focus on himself. I asked Martin if he knew what was going on and he said that he wasn't even in town but if it was like immediate danger he would come back. When I pulled up to Treys house he was sitting outside smoking and that already annoyed me. Kairo was crawling more and more these days and he had drugs open and available.

"Why did you tell me to come over here if your going to be smoking and have your stuff all over the place? You knew I had to bring Kairo and I don't see his play area set up"

"Yo Laura. Come here"

I saw Laura some girl Trey was messing with who happened to also be his nanny come. She always had such a dumb look on her face and I could not stand her but she has been here before I even was married to Trey. She took Kairo and went upstairs. I had no doubt in my mind that Trey and her were either sleeping with each other or had been at some point in time, because she always seemed more comfortable than she should be around all of us.

"Come sit we have to talk"

"Talk about what exactly?"

"Well I've been hearing from a couple of people that you and Martin have been going out. Now I'm confused cause last time I checked you were up my ass about having people around the baby and how you needed to stay at home to watch over the baby, so how is it that all of sudden you have the time to go out and date around. And not only date around but date my fucking brother. Like how fucking low is that shit"

"Listen I don't owe you an explanation on anything I do or did in my life. You are not bound to tell me anything and the last thing you should be worried about is who I fuck. Last time I checked you wasn't in my bed so what does it matter to you"

"So you don't deny that you've been with Martin"

"Trey I don't have to say anything to you about anything. You come at me all defensive trying to make me fell guilty about my life and that's the problem. You're so focused on me and on what Diamond is doing that you're not even realizing that you're the problem. How could it be that everyone can get along and be cordial when you're not around and the moment you show up it's constant drama. You made me come out of my house to address something that doesn't concern you at all. Like please make that make sense"

"Something that doesn't concern me? Are you fucking serious right now. Something that doesn't concern me. You're making me shell out money for child support for my son and then on top of that I'm giving you alimony and you demanded that I pay for housing and shit and you're out here dating around and showing that you could be working"

"Excuse me? You're complaining because you have to take care of your son. Are you fucking serious? You know that he has to eat and survive. You're fucking commitment didn't end when you came inside of me. You act like I'm some but fucking headache cause I could have dragged your ass through that court system and made sure you paid properly. I didn't do that. I said let's make an a agreement that was very generous. We live in fucking Los Angeles. It's expensive as hell so no matter what you would have had to pay money. Secondly what the hell does me going out to eat have to do with anything regarding your money. I am deserving of that money because of all the whole stuff I have to constantly deal with you. You act like I'm some type of burden to your life when it's the other way around. Don't you ever wonder why things are great between everyone when you're out of the picture and then the moment you come back it's like a fucking grenade went off. If you could figure out how to handle your shit without having to drag everyone else down then we wouldn't have as much problems as we do. And that's straight facts"

"Listen I don't know who the duck you think your talking to like that"

"No. You don't know who the fuck you think your talking to right now. I'm not one of your little fans that can get caught up in the drama of your life. You want to be wild and crazy go ahead but I have a child that I have to look out for. You know what it's like not having a dad around and not being reliable and yet you continue to go out of your way to show the same traits you've been running away from your whole life. The reason Martin is around so much is because he acts more like a fucking father than you do and that's a shame. Someone who has sacrificed so much to constantly keep up with your shit that they can't even be happy in themself and you're here being so irresponsible with the life they wished rush they had. It's sad. Martin is a good person and your killing him. You know that. When you come to blows who the hell are you going to have in your corner, cause it sure as hell isn't going to be me and I know Diamond would probably rather be buried alive for the rest of her life before helping you"

I had nothing else to say to Trey if he wanted to be an asshole then he could speak to my lawyer. I went upstairs and saw Laura playing with Kairo. I picked him up and we left. Later that night Martin called me and asked what had happened. Trey had called him and told him that he didn't need to worry about coming back to LA because he was fired. I told Martin that Trey was playing games as usual and I was not doing it anymore. I was not going to be doing the back and forth with him end I wasn't going to slow him to make me or anyone I cared about another punching bag in his life. Martin didn't say anything at first but he said that he would come and see Kairo when he came back.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ