The Side Chick

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Tyson and I had been vacationing for a little minute now but I was honestly ready to head home. I missed my bed and my friends and just kind of having some alone girl time. A couple of his homeboys had invited some girls but they came and went and sometimes I was just kind of bored and on my own. Luckily Tyson has to get back for work so when we were headed back home I was on level 1000 of excitement. A couple of online blogs had posted some photos here and there of the trip but it wasn't anything too crazy and no one has come out and said anything.

On the plane ride back home we went commercial and it was so funny because there was this one girl who was sitting in our area that kept in trying to like take a sneaky photo but we could tell what she was doing. So he's like playing along trying to just be fake oblivious. I go to the bathroom and come back to my seat and she is trying to like squeeze her way into my area. I was like ma'am you need to get back to your seat before you get your feelings hurt. When she saw me she just kind of squirmed back to her place but for the rest of the ride I just stayed snuggled up on Tyson. When we landed my head was killing me. I felt like someone had punched me in the face. There was a car waiting but I just wanted to go back to my house. If I ended up going to Tyson's place then I knew what was ahead of me. This man did not want me to go but I stayed strong.

When I finally made it back home Tara had all these balloons and a banner. It was so cute and we ordered in some sushi and just relaxed. The following day I still wasn't feeling that great and I thought that maybe I was getting sick so we went to the store to pick up some medicine. For some reason I started walking down the aisle and stopped at the tampons. I looked to myself like wait. Did I need to get any more tampons. Then I couldn't remember if I had even used any on the trip and my freaking heart was in my throat. Tara was in the hair aisle and I had to send her an emergency text to come over. When I explained the situation she just laughed and picked me up a cheap pregnancy test. In the back of my mind I didn't think I could be pregnant because I used protection and I was on birth control but sometimes my period did come but it would be short. This was just a safety precaution. Of course as soon as we make it back home my phone starts going off and it's Tyson. He's checking in on me and wants to know if I would want to come over. I told him I wasn't feeling well and that I would hit him up later.
I had taken pregnancy test before but this time it was strange. I really wasn't in the place to be having a baby but if it did turn out I was pregnant then I wouldn't be sad about it. I would handle my business and who knew maybe it was something that I needed now.

Tara was probably more overjoyed than I was about taking the test but I told her to calm down or she was going to make me so nervous. We set a timer and I told her that she should look first in case I passed out or something. When the timer went off she looked at the stick and I could see a bit of confusion on her face. I took the stick and it kind of looked like maybe a second line was coming but then it stopped about a quarter of the way up. I took a second test and then it kind of started to hit me. Two lines meant pregnant if a second line appeared did that mean I was pregnant. Like me pregnant. Then it kind of hit me wait, I've only been with two people recently and one of them was Tyson. The other person was Adrian and that was months ago. Tyson and I had hooked up a couple of times but it was all so recent, but maybe I was super early or something was going on. When I took the second test I got the same result. We went back to the store and I got one of those first response test. I also called my doctor and made the earliest appointment I could get, which was unfortunately a week away. Even when I took the early response test it was coming out super faint and like so hard to read. I had a test that said pregnant or not pregnant and it came up not pregnant but I was unsure of if maybe it was just too early. Then I thought okay let me check my period app but my periods had been irregular, even with my birth control so that wasn't really anywhere to go with. All I could do was circle the days that I had sex and then figure out how far along I could be based off of total guesses.

That night Tara was in bed with me and would not let go of me.

"Tara how am I supposed to sleep?"

"I can't let go. I'm so excited. A little baby. Are you going to tell Tyson?"

"Honestly I don't think so. I want to confirm it first and then tell him"

"How do you think he's going to respond

"Good I guess. I have no idea. We never really talked about kids and you know it's been strange but good. But also I have a whole fucking marriage to worry about and I'm obviously not going to want to be married and have another persons baby"

"Have you talked to Adrian"

"Not since I went to Miami"

"Okay. Well whatever you need I'm here for you babe. I just can't believe this"

"Listen we don't know anything so keep your mouth shut and I will do the same. I'm not going to say anything to Tyson until I have my appointment. So if he comes over you have to be calm and no sleeping in the bed with me"

"Okay. I understand. But omg. My baby is having a baby"

"Tara you are three months older than me"

"I'm still older than you"

That weekend Tyson decided to drop by unannounced and Tara had to do a full sweep of the place.

"So I was thinking maybe we go out. A couple of my buddies were thinking about going to eat and then we could do something simple. They all want to meet you. Does that sound okay?"

"Uhm I don't want to be a total party popper but I'm just so exhausted. You know it's like adjusting and all. How about you go out and I'll come over afterwards. Okay?"

"Listen is something going on? I mean you've barely come over since we got back and it's like we not on the same page. Do you want to say something to me?"

"No. I'm good. Honestly I'm just tired. Look I have a doctors appointment next week. I'll go and see what's going on. I promise I'm not trying to do anything crazy or anything. I'm just not feeling to great"

"Okay but you're still on for the concert on Thursday"

"Yes. I wouldn't miss Miguel for anything"

"Okay. Well I gotta go but come over. I miss you"

"I'm sure you do"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now