The Baby Momma

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It had been two weeks since we left Arizona and Caleb has called every day to check on the kids and speak to me but I just didn't know what to say. I felt like my heart had been stepped on but I knew that I had to help it together. The kids hadn't asked many questions and even my mom was starting in her lane. Martin has been blowing my phone up and I had seen that Toya had hit my phone up but I was so busy trying to balance everything.

Sade's birthday was coming up and she hadn't talked about much she wanted to do but I knew that I had to do something.

"Sade sweetie come downstairs please. We have to speak about something"

"Yes mom"

"If you want to have a party then we have to start planning now. So have you made up a decision?"

"Listen mom it's not a big deal. We don't have to do anything"

"Come on baby. Whatever you want I will make it happen. This is your special day. So what do you want to do?"

"Well I want to have a small party. Maybe invite a couple my friends over and maybe daddy could come. Uncle Martin said that he's been asking about us and I want to see him"

Nia, "Sade come on. You know he's just going to ruin your party. Don't invite him. Mom you can't have him come. He's such an asshole"

"Nia language. Listen Sade I'm not sure that it would be a smart idea if you're dad came to the party. If you want to do something with him then that's fine. I can speak to uncle Martin"

"No. You said I could have anything because it was my special day. I want daddy to come to my party. It's not fair that I have to always have two separate parties cause you guys don't get along. It's not fair that we have to walk on egg shells around you because you don't want to hear his name. I like my dad and I want to see him. I want him to be at my party"

"Sade what are you talking about? You're more than able to speak to me about anything. I don't want you to think that you have to be secretive about anything when it comes to me. I'm your parent. I am a safe space. Now if you want to have your dad at the party then that's fine. I will make it work. You're my child and I'm going to make heaven and earth move to make sure that you have what you want. Now who else do you want to come?"

"I want Caleb to come too. And nana and pop pop"

"Okay. And do you want me to cook or have a chef come?"

"I want you to make those quesadillas you make and then a pizza station."

"Okay. That's possible. And what about the cake?"

"I want strawberry shortcake"

"Alright. That's fine"

After Sade left I saw Nia staring me down and I could see that she wanted to see if I would follow through with the invite to Trey. I honestly didn't want to but Sade clearly had some pent up aggression that she wasn't getting out and if this would make her better then we would do it. I also made a note to mention this to the therapist. We hadn't gone since we came back from Arizona and I had to speak to Caleb about this as well.

The following morning I scheduled appointments for us to go to therapy and I had to muster up the energy to speak to Martin. Luckily he didn't pick up so I left a quick message. After I picked up the kids from school I took them to therapy and went to speak to my own therapist. She did ask about Caleb and I told her about how I was feeling regarding the whole thing. It was honestly challenging and I did miss him but I wasn't going to rush him on his decision. She did ask if I had put any thought into my own decision and I had to be honest, I hadn't. I promised to get a journal and just write down my feelings regarding our marriage, our family and our future. After the session I went to see the children's therapist and she suggested that we take on additional sessions and I agreed. When I came home I called Caleb.

"Hey babe. Sorry to call so late. We just got back from therapy"

"Hey. Glad to see you're staying committed to it"

"Yeah. You know it's good to speak to people about things and the kids definitely need it"

"Has something happened? Is something going on?"

"Uhm well you know they have sensed that things have been strange between us and I think they're worried about us splitting up and I know that we have both been talking to them about what's going on and that we have and will be honest with them. But yesterday Sade kind of spilled some of her feelings to me and she said that she feels like she's walking around on eggshells around me and it just crushed me. I never wanted the kids to feel like that but things have just been so crazy and that's kind of why I wanted to talk to you"

"Egg shells? Why? What happened?"

"Well we were talking about her birthday party and she wants to invite her dad and I said that maybe it would be best if we did something different but I weren't totally opposed to it. I just don't feel comfortable with him around me and the kids but this is what she wants so I said I would work on it. She didn't like my initial comment and the therapist did tell me that she made a comment about feeling like she lost her dad before and she didn't want to do it again. And now I want to say that there is no pressure to come back before you're ready but I think maybe if you could make a quick weekend trip the kids would really appreciate it"

"Would the kids be the only one that appreciate it? I mean during this whole conversation I haven't really heard about what you want. I mean have you thought about what you want?

"You know that I want you back home. You know that I never really wanted you to stay back in Arizona but I also knew that for the sake of our marriage and just our relationship in general the time would be needed and I don't have an answer on the whole baby situation but we have a family and they need you. I know that I need you and I want you but I also know that I can be selfish at times. But I know that Sade wants you to come and she wants you to bring your parents for the party"

"Listen I'll come back up in a week and spend sometime with the kids. And I think we should have a couple date nights. I think we should try to re evaluate our relationship and I'll have to come back to Arizona but I'll bring my parents up for the party. You know I wouldn't miss that for anything. And we can deal with Trey. We've done it before and we will do it again"

"Oh I thank God every day for bringing you to me because you have the long-standing patience that I've always needed. That's just one of the things I love about you. And you know that there's always space in my crazy heart and house for you. I won't tell the kids you're coming because I can't wait to see their expression when you come in"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now