The Wife

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A couple days after I posted the video was when all the drama with Diamond happened. I had no idea what Treys thought process was, but Diamond was almost on the verge of falling apart. She was barely at the house anymore and I felt bad about taking any attention way from her but she was my birthing partner. We never talked about Trey when she was around and it was relaxing. With about one week before my due date I was barred from leaving the state because of the lawsuit and honestly I had so many issues with the whole situation. Martin, my lawyer was working on paperwork and believed that I had a more than complete case for having full custody and he was going to get the restraining order removed.

My sister was still saying with me and I had to find a new place to live so that was my top priority. As my due date approached my mom even made the journey out to LA and she wasn't happy about how all of this had played out. Trey was still dragging his feet on the divorce for some odd reason and whenever I talked to my lawyer regarding that he didn't seem to know what Trey's game plan was. The day before I was scheduled to have the baby, Diamond, my sister and my two cousins took me out to eat just so that I could relax and have some girl time. It was kind of crazy to me that the baby was coming already. It seemed like the time had really flown by.

After we had some food down my cousin Cynthia actually brought up Trey and the whole situation.

Cynthia, "so not to be the party pooper or anything but can someone to explain to me what's going on with Trey. Toya you know I'm your cousin and I'll have your back but I saw you on Angie's show and I was shocked. You didn't tell me none of this crazy stuff that was going on between you and Terrible Trey"

"Cyn come on. I told you not today"

Diamond, "no. It's okay. It's okay. I've been speaking with Caleb about this. Toya speak what you want"

Sister, "is he going to be in the delivery room?"

"No. I don't want him there. He doesn't even know what hospital I'm delivering at and that's fine. I will send him the baby's paperwork and that's it. He can choose to be listed on the birth certificate if he wants but I'm not chasing him down. And this whole custody agreement thing is just not happening"

Diamond, "What has your lawyer said about the whole custody agreement?"

"Martins a bulldog. He told me that the baby is going to be with me until we have a temporary agreement in place. There was supposed to be a court date on the 24th but that's only three days after I give birth and no judge is going to have that. Honestly I don't know how he could even be suing me for custody when this whole pregnancy he's been stating that he's not the father. I have no time for that fool and he's still holding me up for the divorce"

Cynthia, "listen just make sure he's paying his fare share. When Cordi and I broke up he wanted to come up with some bullshit story about how his income has changed and how he had been providing since I was pregnant. I called him on his bullshit but he stays trying to do some foolishness. I told him when we started having our issues that if he was willing to pay a certain amount we didn't have to go to court but I couldn't trust him.  Some moments we would be good and then he would go crazy and say that he didn't have to pay for certain things because he had handled them when we were together. I can see that Trey may give you some trouble with that"

"I'm not even worried or focused on the money at this point. I just want to end my association with him. I mean he's just tearing me down and it's crazy. I'm supposed to be having a baby tomorrow and he's who knows where. I got a couple calls from Marcus last week asking for some details about the baby and I told him no. With all the shit Trey has put me through lately I don't want him anywhere near the baby or me"

Sister, "and you know I support you with any decision you make but this is your first child and you don't want to have any regrets. I have been talking to diamond and while she's had her fair share of trouble with Trey she also thought that maybe you should reconsider your position on him at the hospital. Now I'm not saying that he has to be in the delivery room with you but maybe having him in the waiting area would be a good thing. We could have other people around and make sure you don't come into contact with him but we just were thinking that to keep animosity down between you two. Especially since you're bringing in a new life who didn't ask for anything. You don't want to have that troubled energy from the start. You two at some point in time are going to have to co parent"

"Alycia are you serious. You really want me to consider this, right now. Mere hours before I am due. You can't be serious. If you and diamond have been talking about this for a while then why didn't you tell me sooner. There's no way you can just throw this on me. I mean not right now"

Diamond, "listen Trey and I were complicated and we didn't always see eye to eye but he was there for four out of be five births and it was amazing. For those few precious hours or days when I was in the hospital we were just focused on the baby. It's good to have that distraction and like your sister said you don't ever have to be alone with him. You could have the room filled with people or whatever you want, but it's just an idea. You have to do whatever you feel is comfortable"

"I don't know. I'll have to think about it. It's just that I haven't talked to Trey since the whole baby shower and I am not on good terms with him. I don't want him to bring any drama because it's already going to be a hectic time. If he ruins the birth for me I will never be able to forgive him"

Diamond, "I understand but you also don't want to have the regret of him not being there and the wondering of what could have been. As your birthing partner I can help with whatever you want. We can shoot him a text at whatever time you feel comfortable. At least to let him know you had the baby"

"I'll think about it. Okay"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now