The Baby Momma

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"Okay Andrew and Nia lets go. We have to be at your dads in twenty minutes and I don't want to hear anything about how you guys aren't going for your allotted time. And remember that we are to be on our best behavior"

Nia, "I'm always on my best behavior. I just don't understand why we have to go to court therapy. Like if dad wants to be an asshole why is it my fault that he's doing it. Like it just doesn't make any sense"

"Nia language please and that's exactly why we need to go to therapy. You know there is a lot going on and it can be challenging for kids. I don't want any of you guys to get lost in the shuffle. You know that I love you guys so much and I just want the best for you guys. I think it's important that we talk about these issues. Okay."

By the time we reached Trey's house he has blown my phone up about twenty times and I could sense the drama that would ensue. We made it inside and a counselor was waiting at the front door for us. She escorted us to the living room and there was food and drinks prepared. Trey was in his circle and I had the kids just with me. Before we started she wanted each of us to write a couple things down on some papers and write what our expectations were. I could see that the kids weren't totally sure of what was going to happen but at least we were trying to make the effort. Maybe about ten minutes into the session I could see that Nia was getting frustrated and then she snapped. She was on the verge of tears and Trey is like instigating her insisting that I have set him up.

"Trey could you stop for one second. Nia is trying to share and every two seconds you are breaking up her conversation. Please let her speak for once"

Trey, "you're not gonna tell me what the hell I can and can't do with my kids. Who do you think you are?"

"I want Nia to just finish speaking without you interrupting her. I'm not telling you want to do. But can you please watch your tone with me. Because you are not my parent or above me"

Trey, "no I just need you to know your place. Don't interrupt what I have with my daughter. If I have something to say then ima speak on it"

"Your place. Listen don't get it twisted with me. I'm not one of these little girls you associate with. Okay you are not going to be talking to me any type of way. Look I deal with a lot of your crap and I can take it but we are dealing with the kids now. Nia wants to say something and you're constantly coming after her. Stop doing that to her. She is a little girl. Matter of fact she's your daughter and as her parent you should want to look after her and make sure that she's okay. Instead you're trying to tear her down. And then you want to come after me like it's my fault none of the kids want to come over. Trey I'm not the one turning them against you. I think you're the one capable of making everyone out to get you and you play the victim"

The counselor thought that it would be best if we had a break. I went outside to make a call to my mom to see how the other kids were doing. I didn't want to push everyone into the therapy on the first day because it was a hard time for everyone. It had taken all of my strength to get Nia to come along and now Trey was acting like a total asshole to her. I wasn't surprised when she told me that she wanted to go home before the session was over. When I told the counselor she understood and said we could go. But then trey wanted to start screaming at me saying that he is going to take me to court and make sure that I pay. I had no idea why he had to be annoying over something so small.

By the time I made it back home there were about 1.000 notifications on my phone. I looked and saw that trey has tagged me in several Instagram post and he was trashing me and saying all of his out of the pocket stuff about how he wanted a DNA test and how I was some ghetto bitch he regretted ever being with and all of this craziness. I wasn't going to even reply to it but then I saw him comment about how I should be thankful that not all my kids ended up like brother. I usually would have just let it slide with the comments but bringing up my brother was the final straw.

I immediately called my lawyer and said that I wanted to get a restraining order out preventing Trey from contacting me and the kids. I told my lawyer that he should get the police to go and do a mental check on trey because maybe he was out of his mind or something but he needed to be put in check. When I made it back gone I saw that Trey was posting all of these old photos of me and then he posted a couple that he wanted to use to discredit how bad of a mom I was. I called his brother up and told him that he had an hour to get it all off or he would feel my wrath.

Before I went to bed I spoke with Caleb and he said he was on the first flight out because he knew that shit was about to get real. I had planned to stop by Toya's house and check on the baby but things had just taken such a turn that I was out for blood.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now