The Wife

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From the moment they placed the baby in my hands it really started to hit me that I was actually a mother. Like I had given birth to a child who was in my hands and here and alive. A whole human had come out of my vagina, like what the actual fuck. it was like a absolute dream come true, and he was so precious. I couldn't get over his scent and my sister was like bawling her eyes out, which made me want to bawl as well. The nurses came to check on him a couple times and then he had to get registered. Meanwhile my cousin Lea had come back with the Korean fried chicken and I ate that meal like it was my last. Trey had stayed with me for about an hour before saying that he had to go, and I was sure he was a little in his feelings because my mom had kind of been doing some isolation towards him. I mean he was a grown ass man and if he wanted to say something then he could stand up for himself. But before he left I told him that he should come by later around maybe 8 or 9 to have some alone time with the baby. He seemed to acknowledge me, but it would really be up to Trey. As soon as he left my sister was all over our conversation.

Shani, "So what do you think the plan is for you guys? Like what's the plan  for the baby after we leave the hospital. I mean are you two on talking terms now?"

"Honestly Shani I have no idea. I literally just had a baby a couple hours ago, so we haven't really talked about any plans. I would assume that the baby would be coming back to my house, and staying with me, and Trey knows he can see the child at any time, as long as he calls me. I don't see how any problems can arise from that"

Shani, "You don't see it, but does he understand that. I know that he is a special person who believes that sometimes he's entitled to more than he actually is. I just don't want you to get railroaded by him over this, because you already see the situation that he's in with Diamond. You have a newborn baby, and I know that you don't think he's capable of doing these strange things, but be careful. I see you kind of letting your guard down around him, but just look back at this pregnancy and see how things have played out. Don't let these few moments taint your mind"

"Shani what the hell. you've been the main person talking about how I need to try and connect with Trey, and how we have to make a stronger bond. Now you're telling me that I need to watch myself. Why the sudden change  up?"

Shani, "It's just that I heard Rick talking and it sounds like there could be something else going on, and as your sister I'm going to watch out for you. I have no idea what Trey has up his sleeves, but just don't let these momentary periods of peace make you think that he's some changed man. Watch out"

"What exactly did Rick say?"

Shani, "I didn't get to hear much, because he saw me walking over to them, but Trey was kind of arguing with him, and then Rick ran off. You notice how Trey just had to leave all of a sudden. If I were you I would make sure that you call your lawyer and make sure that nothing has been sent over. You're in the middle of a divorce, and now you have to work out a custody agreement. He's on a war path already with his first baby mother, and now you're being thrown into the mix"

"Shani I just had a baby like two hours ago. I really just want to at least take a day to myself and devote my time to bonding. I'm sure Trey has been talking to his lawyers and if he wants to go ahead and do something then it's up to him, but I just don't have the energy to fight with him right now. I would hope that he could see that. but who knows"

Shani, "I understand, but also you have to be aware of things. So let him come and see the baby, but just monitor everything. You have to protect yourself as well"


For the next couple hours I actually got to get a couple hours of sleep in before Trey came back and the baby woke up. He had been sleeping pretty well, and only woke up twice for a feed. It was kind of strange to breastfeed, but we had a consultant who was constantly asking if everything was okay, and if I needed some type of assistance. When Trey walked in, we were in the middle of a feeding, and I could tell the baby was making a poop. Trey was on the phone with someone and he looked a little out of it, which had me a little mad. Plus, I could tell that he had brought some additional people to the hospital, and one of them looked like this crazy bitch that was always talking out of her mouth about me, even though we had never met. Trey could see that I was not about it.

Trey, "See I told you that I would be back, didn't I"

"Yeah you did, but why did you bring everyone under the sun to the hospital. The room is big, but I don't want all those people around the baby"

Trey, "You have your family all around the baby, and I can't bring mines around. Is that fair?"

"Trey these are my actual family members, and there are three of them here. They've all been vaccinated and here the whole time. You brought your friends and some girl who I have never spoken to before. If you think that they are all coming in to see a baby who is not even been in this world for 24 hours then your out of your fucking mind. I have been more than open with you, and given you a lot more space than you deserve, but don't push me on this, cause I a not the one. I am not the one when it comes to my child"

Trey, "You see this is the fucking shit that I don't understand. You talkin all this shit about how you're not the one and your child. Last time I fuckin checked you ain't make this kid on your own, and  you actin like that's the fuckin way it is"

"You may have provided the sperm, but that's really all you've done for this whole time. I've stated this numerous times but it's like you still can't comprehend what I'm fuckin saying. I have done this on my own basically the whole time. You went off and fucked every girl under the sun during my first trimester, then shacked up during the third trimester. I called you numerous times and left numerous messages with both  Rick and Hudson, and nothing. You blow up my phone leaving threatening messages and then you can't even ask how am I doing. You've treated me like shit throughout this whole thing, and I could have gone back to Virginia and done my own thing. I could have had this baby without ever sayin a word to you, and I don't need to have anything from you. I can walk out of here tomorrow and make it like this thing, never happened before. I just had a baby and already you're already starting to do all these crazy brain games with me again. I just went through an excruciating amount of pain and I'm beyond exhausted and you're doing this with me. Just for once can you just give me a break. I'm exhausted and I'll probably be up all night with the baby , so just can you please give me a break"

I didn't think Trey would understand anything I was saying, so I just turned around and finished feeding the baby. My sister  had went to drop my mom and cousin back at the house, but I just wanted her to come and deal with him. I had no more energy, and for a moment I thought about just letting him bring his whole entourage in, but it just didn't make any sense to me. Trey walked around for a bit, and he changed the baby's diaper, but I just stayed to myself. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, the room was cleared out, and baby boy was wrapped up in his blanket sound asleep. He woke up a couple of times before the morning nurses came in, and today was our last day, so we had to give a name for the birth certificate. I hadn't heard from Trey since our fight last night, but I knew he would not miss the opportunity to do the birth certificate. Around 8, he showed up with the kids, and they looked happy to see me and the baby. My relationship with the kids had always been a little complicated, but they were on their best behavior, and I actually tried to be good with them. After the kids left Trey said he would be right back, but he wanted to get something at his house. 

The hospital official came by at 2, but Trey still wasn't here, and he wasn't answering his phone. I had already postponed with her, but I told her to come back in an hour. If he wasn't here by then then he would just miss out. I called and left voicemail after voicemail, but nothing. Finally he strolled in at like quarter to 4, and not an apology. He checked on the baby, and then handed me this bracelet. I was so confused because I thought it was for the baby, but I'm like why did he buy this bracelet for a newborn baby. Trey could see I was struggling, and he just walked over and put it on me, and didn't say anything. When the hospital official came back over, she looked a little annoyed at first, but when she saw Trey, a smile appeared on her face, and I saw the typical fake laugh, and slight batting of the eyelashes. He played into her hand like the fool he was, but then it got down to business. 

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now