The Side Chick

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Since Bri had finished house sitting at this one place, we were staying in a hotel for a little bit, until she could place another job, and I could figure something out. We had a couple nights before she started on a new house job, and this potential place looked quiet nice. I was excited and when I looked at the house more closely I realized that I had actually been there a couple of times. Before we actually moved in, Bri wanted to head down to San Diego for some reason. I knew she had no friend who lived down there, but it wouldn't hurt to get away. I had been keeping a super low profile, and was kind of starting to let LA grow on me. When you had no reason to be out in the streets and after people then no one could really bother you and throw you into drama. I had seen on the timeline through associates that it looked like Trey had a new baby, and hopefully that meant he was calming down. Since we had that discussion about the videos being leaked, the last time I was in LA he had kind of avoided me and I had blocked all direct social media relations between us. But seeing Sharice I knew word would get to him that I was back in town, and I knew that it was a matter of time before I received some message asking to meet up.

When we went down to San Diego, it ended up being super cool, and relaxing for once. I actually hung out with an old friend of Adrian's, who made it his mission to take us in and watch out for us. I knew that Brian had been in the MMA game for a minute, but it looked like he was retired or something, because he didn't talk about training or any meets he had, and I wasn't going to push him on it. Throughout our time, he never once asked me about Adrian, and what was going on, so I figured that either he knew about it, or was not in the know. Our last night there he took us to this amazing Italian place, and we just hung out. Bri was flirting hard with the waiter, and went off to smoke with him, while I was left behind with Brian. He was feeling a little more open, and I was sure that had to do with the drinks he had been throwing back, but it was a mini vacation.

Brian, "so i've sat on it the whole weekend, but can you shed some light on what's going on with you and Adrian"

"What do you mean?"

Brian, "Listen I see you out here in San Diego with your girlfriend, and we were talking last night about life, and she told me that you've been in lA for two months. I know Adrian has that huge fight out in Ireland at the end of the month, and he's probably been training all day every day, so it struck me as odd that you're not there with him. Adrian's a longtime friend, so he shares a little more once you crack his shell, and he seems to be under the impression that you've left him"

"Brian come on, you speak with him, and he does his whole big picture small picture shit. We have not been talking and that's all there is to it. I'm not the one to spread my business around, and if Adrian is saying something, then what can I do about that"

Brian, "and you know that I am not the one to pry, but Adrian is a good friend of mine, and you and I have had some history, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable in any circumstance, so I'll drop it"

"Adrian is your good friend, and you've made lots of memories and have ideas about how he is.I have known you, but you've known him longer. I am not going to say anything bad about him because he is your friend, and we do have a complicated past, but at this moment in time I'm doing me and he is doing him. He knows what I'm about and how to reach me if he wants to speak, so the ball is in his court"

Brian, "And we both know that Adrian is a stubborn man, who will not give into anything on his own. if you want me to nudge him in the right direction I can do so, or if you want me to forget this conversation ever happened I can do that too. I just know that he's probably going to know that you came down here, and he may want to know what you're doing here. Would you like me to keep that private, or can I give him something"

"Brian just do whatever you're comfortable with. I don't want to put you in an odd space, but Adrian is a grown ass man, He can be as stubborn as he wants, but he can't just expect me to jump through a million hurdles for him. I did it before and I won't do it again. He really fucked me over this last time, and I'm not ready to really forgive him for what he's done. It's just not in me"

When we made it back that night, I was online just jumping around and came across a clip of Mr. Comedian. It looked like he had made it to his show in Seattle, and was having a good time. I liked the video, and next thing I know he's DM'ing me, asking about my day and what's been going on. We ended up talking for a while, and he asked when I was coming back to town. He wanted me to come over to his house for dinner, and only dinner. I said I would think about it, because I really wasn't in the mindset to date, but he was a cool person, and I think we both thought we could be friends. When I came back to LA, Bri and I moved into the new house we were watching over, and just had a girls night in. She had movies and in the house was a total popcorn machine with numerous flavors, so I had a blast.

The following morning I went for a run, and hit up the juice spot. As usual the juices hit a mark. On the way back home I got a message from Mr. Comedian asking if I wanted to come over for some drinks and dinner later on. I know that we had agreed to meet up, but now I was getting kind of nervous. I agreed to go, because I didn't want to be rude, but I spent the whole afternoon wondering about what to wear, and what the whole mood was. Bri was trying to keep my spirits up, but I kind of felt like I was spiraling out of control. When I reached the house, I was kind of amazed at how discrete it was. There were palm trees enclosing the whole place, and it was like a glass house. There were these engraved pavers on the front lawn, and all of these fountains. When I rang the doorbell at first, no one would responded, but I didn't want to ring numerous times. I could hear the ring echoing in the house, but no one responded. There was a side gate and I walked around, and there was Mr. Comedian smoking a blunt and grilling, while music blasted from the speakers. I walked around back and tapped on his shoulder and he had such a high pitched scream it nearly took me out.

While Mr. Comedian worked on the food, I walked around the backyard, and was impressed with how well manicured the place was. Mr. C went back inside to get some more things for dinner, and we just talked. He handed me a special made cocktail he had made, and it was kind of good. Mr. C shared a couple of jokes with me to kind of lighten the mood, but I was just getting more nervous as time passed. By the time we started eating dinner, my mind was racing and I felt like I was on the verge of a panic attack. I drank some of my wine, and just tried to visualize, but it seemed like he was trying to test the vibe, and make a move. When he started playing around with my hands, I tried to back away, but it was like he wasn't getting the message. Then he went back into the house, and came out with these chocolates I had to try. I took one just to be nice, but then I started to feel really out of it. Mr. C was laughing, and when I asked him what was up, he informed me that the chocolates were laced in hemp oil, and it was a new product that he was thinking about selling in his shop. I had never been the one to really mess with edibles, and they always made me extremely paranoid, so I instantly made it clear that he had no right to do that. He could see that I was not in the mood to be messed with, and while he apologized, it felt like a complete invasion of my privacy. He called me an uber when he realized that nothing was going to happen, and when I made it back to the house Bri helped me get into bed. I didn't remember doing anything before going to sleep, but when I woke up in the morning I had gotten paragraphs on my phone from Adrian and I was beyond confused. I had no recollection of ever even sending him anything, and it really didn't seem like Brian was going to say anything to Adrian, but yet there were messages. I looked through them quickly but there were a couple paragraphs I couldn't get to, because Adrian had me heated.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now