The Side Chick

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That night at dinner the only thing on my mind was making sure this idiot knew he was messing with the wrong one. He hasn't hit my phone in weeks and wanted to pretend like I  was the bad guy. I made it clear before drinks were even presented that I wasn't with the shit.

Adrian, "you look good tonight"

"Adrian don't even start with the sappy stuff. You know that I called this dinner for business purposes because some fucked up shit went down between us and if you think you can just slide back up into my life after I had towel the first move is literally beyond me. You must literally be smoking crack if you think I'm just going to let that slide at all"

Adrian, "and listen I understand your mad but you don't  think I don't have a right to be mad as well. Like you just be doing some out of this world type of stuff and think I'm just going to slide on it and I'm not your little playboy friend. I'm not the one to be caught up in that shit so we I have to take a step back that's what I'm going to do"

"Adrian you can't be doing that shit when you're in a fucking relationship. How the hell do you expect to me trust you and for us to do anything together.  I'm not going to be letting you walk out when we have issues. How the hell do you expect us to ever resolve our issues and don't tell me this is the your new wave of thinking cause I know your ass. I know how your mind works and you weren't like that before. In all of the time that we were dating before you talked and we communicated. Now we get into one fight and you just run off on me. Like what the actual fuck. That makes no sense to me and you don't even explain your thinking. Like give me some solid answers and we can make some progress"

Adrian, "like I stated you just ran off and did your thing and then I was looking at the whole picture and saw that some things just didn't look right to me. I'm not the type to just sit back and watch as things blow up in my face so I was like it's smart for me to take a step back. You have a complicated past and we have a complicated past as well but there are clearly some more unresolved things going on in yours. It's not healthy for me to be around while that's going on so if you need some time to figure it out then it's okay with me"

"You know you're a real fucking asshole. I can't believe I thought that we could actually work things out between us. I must literally be a fucking fool because you haven't changed at all"

Adrian, "I mean I guess you see the picture how you want to see it and I see it how I see it. What do you expect me to do about that?"

"What do I expect you to do about that? Are you serious. Are you actually serious right now. I want you to be fucking accountable for your actions. I'm not going to sit around and mentor you into the person you need to be. I did that before and I'm not going to do it again. You know who the fuck I was  and what I was about when we have this relationship a go the second time and my past wasn't a factor. You told me that we could make a life for ourselves and be happy and all this other fairytale shit and obviously you were lying out your ass because you had no intention of ever trying to forgive me or move on from the past. I have never in my life meet someone who could manipulate shit as much as you do and I should have prepared myself for this. Listen I'm not going to fight you and waste my time trying to figure out why you are the way you are. I did that before and it's not going to work for me. So I hope you enjoy your dinner"

With that I walked out of the restaurant and headed back tp the hotel. Tori was waiting for me and it seemed like some shit was going on with her as well. I was so mentally exhausted that as soon as I got into my room I just collapsed on the bed and fell asleep. The following morning one of my girls back in LA said that she was working on this project and wanted my help. Miami didn't have anything going on for me and I was not in the mood to be in the same city as dumbass Adrian. Plus Tori must have worked through whatever problems she had with Carlisle because she left a note saying she was off to Europe for a little vacation. I figured if that worked for her than she would be good. I packed my bags and headed straight to the airport.

Back in LA my friend Bria was house sitting for someone in Malibu and told me I could stay with her for a while. Plus she wanted me to help her out with this new project she was working on. I told her I would because she was a  cool girls and we came up on the scene together. Plus, she did these little YouTube videos and it was kind of cool. Maybe not something I would personally do but I would definitely help her out when she needed me. The following morning we went for a hike up by the Hollywood sign and boy was it a work out. I wasn't the hugest workout fanatic but I definitely felt like it wouldn't hurt to try and step my game up.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now