The Wife

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The weekend after Diamond got her kids back I took Kairo over to their house for some family bonding time. Trey was still doing his own thing and I wasn't going to be chasing after him but I was feeling like he was moving kind of crazy. I saw him hanging out with that nonsense hoe he loved but I could tell that even she looked over him. Diamond didn't even dare say his name so that showed you where she was at with him.

"Toya listen I was thinking that maybe we take the kids out to Disney land. I want to do something special for Andrew since we didn't get his birthday party and I would love if you and Kairo came along. I know he's a small little baby and all but whatever you're comfortable with"

"Oh for sure. We will be in attendance and my mom has been dying to get out of the house"

"Has he been harassing you too?"

"Actually it's been quiet on that front. You know I haven't heard from him or Martin but that's the last thing on my mind. If he wants to be absent father then that's on him. I'm not going to be chasing him down for anything"

"He's not worth the headache honestly"

"Plus luckily Kairo is still small so he doesn't notice anything that's going on. I don't know what I'm going to do when he gets older though. I'm not trying to end up in  any type of situation where I got to call the police. I'm not trying to deal with any type of headache that's from his lifestyle. I'm not sure how you even handled that"

"Listen I'm working on a permanent custody agreement right now and I'm making sure that he gets the least visits possible without supervision. I'm not sure what's going on and it's not my job to patrol him. Hopefully he gets some help and figures his life out but he's not doing that while taking care of my kids"

"That's my thinking. It's not making any sense and I'm in the middle of a custody and divorce battle but if I could I would just walk away. It's not even worth it for me"

I stayed for a little while and then headed back home. My sister and her husband were in town for the weekend and of course my sister wanted me to go out. The last thing on my mind was going out to have drinks or meet anyone but I said what the hell. We went to this little Korean shop and the food was bomb but I wasn't trying to do anything. My sister had other plans and we ended up at this lounge. The place was a little strange but there was this one guy who was eyeing me down but I didn't know what to do. As I was leaving for the night he finally came over and started talking to me but I was honestly exhausted.

The following weekend we took the kids to Disney and it was so strange because I never would have thought that I would be hanging out with Diamond like this. It was a true testament to faith and kind of seeing what it was like in others shoes to understand them. I got Kairo a little bunny ears onesie but he stayed knocked out for the most part. As soon as we arrived home tell me why Trey was blowing up my phone talking about how I was in some vendetta to stop him from seeing his kid. I reminded him that he hadn't been over in weeks and that was on him. He clearly had my phone number all it was totally up to him to come and see his child. He said that he wanted to come over the following day and promised that it would just be him and Martin. Why he had to come with his manager didn't make any sense to me, but whatever.

The following morning I was up at 6 because Kairo was fussy. I wasn't ready to deal with Trey and his foolishness, but I had to prepare the house. Kairo was sleeping when Trey arrived and of course he wanted to make a scene because the baby was sleeping. If he had been around he would have known that the baby had a sleep schedule, and it wasn't my fault that he came when the baby was sleeping. I didn't really want him staying in my house until the baby woke up but luckily Martin said that Trey had to go somewhere and would call if he was coming back. I said that I would be home but to just give me a heads up.

Not even twenty minutes later and Trey is on live stating that I'm preventing him from seeing his kids and he's posting my house. When I tell y'all I was shook. I knew that this man was not posting the inside of my private residence to millions of people because he was mad a baby was sleeping. I got on his live and called him out asking him how he could be so careless about his child and the safety of his family. He wanted to play dumb but people were commenting that he had gone to far and I told Martin that I wanted to speak to him immediately. He seemed like the only person who could actually get a word in with Trey.

"Martin you need to control that man. I'm at home by myself with a new baby and you're out here parading the inside details of my house. Tell that stupid dummy that he's not going to see Kairo until I find a new place to stay. Matter of fact my lawyer will be speaking to you guys because this is ridiculous. I'm accommodating when I have to be and he's risking my safety like it's nothing "

"Listen I'll set you up at a hotel for a couple days until this calms down and I'll speak to him but I can't do everything. I'm trying to manage a lot of things and with you and Diamond on the war path I'm not sure what you really want me to do. I'm only one person"

"Listen you know that Trey is not listening to anything I have to say and after this whole pregnancy and the constant dramas I don't see why I still have to go out of my way when all he wants to do us be erratic and post everything to social media when he doesn't like what people have to say. I'm not trying to be involved with the paparazzi and he's constantly trying to push me into situations. You know I've been calm about a lot of stuff but when he's messing with the safety of my child then we have a problem. If he even comes by my house or the hotel I will light his ass up so watch out"

"Okay, Okay"

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now