The Wife

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After everyone finished eating Trey said he was going out, but would come back at some undisclosed time. I wasn't going tofight him, and considering that this was the first real conversation we had had in months I just let it slide. I just hoped that he was going to relax at his house and not get into any drama because I was not going to have any energy to fight with him. I guess he could see the confusion or slight annoyance on my face because he pulled me aside before he left.

Trey,  "Listen I'm just gonna go home and relax. I got a couple people coming over to the house and we are going to play some video games and maybe record. I promise that I won't smoke or drink cause I know we are in the home stretch right now. You have my promise, and I know that may not mean much, but if you need anything then just call me. I'll be here in a jiffy"

"A jiffy? okay"

I couldn't say much else to that, so I let him slide. As he left I could only hope that everything would work out for themselves, but I was just going to relax and get in the tub, because my contractions were starting to get a little more serious. Shani was playing all these ocean sounds to calm me down, but I was getting ready to just call it and head to the hospital as we approached midnight. I went with her plan, but my cousin Lea was trying to have a full on party. Around 3 the contractions started to get way more intense, and I told Shani that it was go time. I called Trey about 4 times but he didn't answer his phone, and when I called his brother he didn't respond either. I wasn't going to get my hopes up because this was not about him, but I had really hoped that things were going to be different this one time. I also called Toya because she was going to be my birth partner in this as well.

When we made it to the hospital I was escorted to the maternity ward, and my room was packed with flowers. I was so confused at first, but then I saw this slideshow playing on the tv, and while I understood where Trey was trying to come from, it honestly just made me feel sick. My sister turned it off, and a nurse checked on me while my doctor was on his way. When he finally arrived it was almost 4 am, and he said I was at 6cm, so in the next couple of hours things could get going. Toya came to the hospital around 5, and she bought these bracelets for everyone and she had this amazing candle. I don't know what type of candle that was, but it mellowed me out and I was able to sleep for a little bit. When I woke up it was almost 8:30, and the room was dead quiet. My mom was outside on the phone with someone, and it sounded like a heated conversation, so I thought that it had to do with problem man number one, but then I looked over and saw that Trey was knocked out on the couch next to the bed. Toya was standing on the far side of the room speaking with Shani, but as I started to move around she came over. I clearly had no intentions of trying to make her uncomfortable and I knew her and Trey were going through their things, but she smiled and said that it would be okay.

My doctor came in to check me around 9, and he was kind of worried because my contractions hadn't really progressed and neither was my dilation. He said that if it didn't progress within the next hour he would give me some medication. He checked me and the baby and said that we looked well, but he wanted to get this labor on the road. Trey was up now and he asked the doctor a couple questions, but he was being pretty calm, and I was happy that he wasn't starting any drama with me or Diamond. Diamond left before the doctor came around because she had to drop the kids off, and I saw her and Trey having a small conversation, so maybe that meant he was in the mood to stop all his extra nonsense. Around 9:30 the doctor came back to check on me and decided that it would be wise to use some drugs to help my labor progress.

Shani, "Okay so it looks like it's goin got be go time pretty soon. How are you feeling?"

"Honestly fine. He contractions have calmed down but I will say that I'm starving. I wish I could eat. And these stupid ice chips really aren't doing much for me right now"

Lea, "well if you have the baby before 12 then I can go to Bobo and get that Korean fried chicken you love so much"

"Oh don't even get me started. I can just imagine that right now. Oh Lea you have to have them deliver. I can literally imagine the taste in my mouth right now"

Shani, "Lea stop. Let's just focus on goal number one right now. We have a baby to deliver and still no name. T why are you waiting for?"

"Well I think it would be best if we have the baby first and then come for a name. Mommy said that would be the best thing to do. Especially since we are so late in the game"

Shani, "but what about some top names. We haven't even heard anything being shuffled around. That's crazy to me"

"Because I'm waiting to see the baby. Once I see him then I'll know about what to name him"

Trey, "I thought we were waiting for the birth to announce the gender"

"What are you talking about. We most definitely had a gender reveal party. What did you think all of that was for?"

Trey, "no I remembered going to the doctors and saying that we would wait. You see that's the shit I don't understand. I didn't tell none of my friends or family about the gender because I thought it was supposed to be some secret"

"Trey don't start with me. We were having a wonderful time and now you're starting on me. I'm going to be having a baby in a couple of hours and if you want to start that drama then leave now. I'll have someone bring you in for the delivery but I just don't have the energy to be doing this with you right now"

Trey, "listen I'm not going no where. I'm going to be here all the way like I have a right to do. This is half my child just as it's yours"

"Okay. Okay. Just everyone shut up. Shu—"

The contractions started picking up fast and I was in the need of drugs. Everyone was trying to stay as calm as possible and my mom was saying these prayers and rubbing oils over me but I was ready for the baby to come out. Even after the epidural my body was shaking from the pain and I was begging the doctor to take the baby out. Trey for his part was trying to calm me down and feed me ice chips but I was in excruciating pain. When the doctor came in to check on me around 1:30 I was fully dilated and he said it was go time. They moved me to delivery, and within the hour I had given birth to a baby boy.

The Baby Momma, The Wife and The Side Chick: Part 2: The Court ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now