Chapter 10/Friends turn into enimies

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"Uh no your not."

"Why can't we? We're not dangerous." Delilah says. I laugh a little.

"Maybe you guys aren't dangerous but what about Ms.Knife holding at people's necks girl over there?" I point at Biaggia.

"She'll be fine if you keep your distance. We are just in a lot of stress right now. You know, not knowing where we are and all."

"Well didn't the booklets you got say where you are. It said Ithaca for my group."

"Well yeah for my group too but I mean where are we really? This place seems off for some reason. I don't know why though." Hannah says softly. Then I see her close her eyes and fall to the ground.

Carly runs to her aid."Hannah! Are you okay?" She shakes her back and forth.

"Yeah yeah. I'm fine just got a pain right here." She points at her forehead.

"Your forehead? Nowhere else?" She stares at me for a second and then nods."I had a bad pain right there when I got here." I walk around them."

"What are you saying?" Carly says while still being right next to Hannah.

"Somebody is-" Then I don't say anything and stiffen my back. I try to stop my back from stiffening but I can't. It just is that way by itself.

"What's wrong with you?" Carly say standing up.

"I....." Somehow my brain picks up that word when I don't mean to say that.

"am...the...leader..." Why am I saying this?

"Okay. What will that do?"

"" Stop brain! "Will...die!" Then I run toward them. I try to stop myself but I can't. Something is controlling me. I want to scream in frustration but of course I can't even do that.

My eyes look toward Biaggia who is coming towards me with them knife. In normal circumstances I would just stop what I am doing and try to talk reason with her but I know that won't happen this time. The word are more fluent now."I am the leader and you will die!" I start running towards her. She puts her arm up that has the knife in so she can try to get me. That won't work. I have a hunch that this won't be that easy for her. She move the knife towards me.

While she does that my body ducks and my arms hit her stomach. She grunts and the next thing I feel is two people holding me by that arms. They bring me to my knees. I flail and kick and I try to bite. I look and see Biaggia is angry. Very angry. She cracks her neck and bring the knife back to my neck. Oh god. Please anybody who is controlling me don't be stupid and get me killed.

"Do you have any last words to say?"

I don't think I have any but then my mouth opens up."Information." I say.

"Are you going to give information to us?" I nod very slowly."Can I ask questions?" I nod again."Okay, why were you just lying on the road?"

I take for the person to talk inside me. "Wasn't...following...rules." Which rules was I not following? I want to know so maybe I can get an answer to why were are here.

"What rules are you talking about?"

"Hackers...are...warned." What does that mean?

"Hackers? What are hackers?" Her grip on the knife gets closer.

"" I feel a smirk coming on my face.

"Who is we?" I think Carly asks in the background. I just realized that again I don't feel any pain. In both my arm and hand. What is with that?

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