Chapter 16

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Eva, Dylan and have split up for the time being. I don't want to hurt them. I don't want to hurt anybody. I know I have to though. It's my duty.

I have taken Caelia's bow and arrow from her. Now I have a knife in pocket and then a gun in the other. In my hands I have the weapon of my second killing.

I walk around a little stop and remember who I am trying to find. Maya and Maria. I have to eliminate the hardest first. I see them too. I see them right in front of me. They aren't looking at me though. They are looking at the dead bodies. Caelia and Dash. Their heads tilt while looking only at those bodies. Their mouths drop when they realize who did this. Then they look at me with furious eyes.

They know who I am from the outside, but from within? I don't think anybody knows me. Not even myself.

Maria's eyes what I expected. Angry. Furious. With a hint of impressed that I actually found a way to kill somebody. But just a hint.

Then there are Maya's eyes. They used to be beautiful but now they are dull. All the fun just drained out of them. She looks tired. She doesn't want to do this anymore. She knows she has to stop me though. I have to stop her. Who will win?

"You did this?!" Maria says to me pointing at Caelia then Dash."You actually killed people?!"

"I have done it before." I try to keep a calm face as long as I can."You guys all know that right? You guys all got into my brain right? You found that memory that made you guy despise me. It even made me despise myself." I laugh."The funny thing is that..." I drop the bow and arrow and take out the knife."I am doing that all over again. I really don't want to kill both you but I know I have to. Which one wants to start?" I look at Maya and then at Maria. My eyes set at Maya. "I'm sorry but I have to." The next second I know the knife is out of my hand and is hurtling toward Maya's chest. I look while it has a clear shot to her chest, but then something happens. I see no knife. Where did it go? Then I see.

Maria dove to save Maya. The knife is in her now. She looks up at me. She smiles with blood dropping out of her mouth."Told you that you would kill me." She laughs while saying that.

"You did this to yourself. You jumped in front."

"You don't get it." She try's to shake her head but is to weak."You think that your are different from that other version of you. The one we all saw. But you aren't. You only have one thing you do in here. That one thing is to win every time and get out. Nothing else." She shifts her body to a more comfortable position."You might think that you care about us but you don't. Never will. Sooner or later. This whole thing will just become the past. Then the next you will see what you have become and the cycle will continue like usual." She takes the knife out and grits her teeth."Everything will just go back to the way it was." She closes her eyes.

"The way it always is. That you are the most insane out of all of us. We are insane. You are a monster compared to us. Insanity is a Pleasure. There is only one person that has that in this world. That's you Chris. You are the most insane. We will never be able to kill you." she smirks with bloody lips. "But the creator will be able to."

"I hope they stop you! I hope they kill you!" She starts crying for a second and then just...stops. Nothing. Nothing at all. Just silence.

Well for a little while. Now I hear another cry. Maya's.

"God. Why are you so evil Chris?! You knew her all your life and you just kill her like that?!"

"I know as much as me Maya. I didn't know her. I don't know you, or Jack, or Dash, or Caelia, or anymore for that matter. It makes it a little easier that way." I look up at her. I out my hand on the tigger in my hand. She looks down at the gun and then back at me. Then somewhere else behind me.

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