Chapter 31

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"This is sooo boring. Do we have anything else we can do then just pressing numbers into a computer?" I look at Leah who wears a smirk on her face.

"This is what happens every year. You gotta get used to it if you're here for good which it seems like you are.

"So, who are the hackers?" Leah says calmly."I know you you were talking to Neha about something. It sounded important if she was yelling at you?"

I look through the glass window to see all the people that are sleeping because they are in the game. I point at a few people to show her who the hackers are."I knew a few and those few have implants. Because of me, I pushed them to put them in."

"Why would you do that?" She says while typing something into the computer.

"Because I knew their potential. They had to keep all that information in their brains somehow? That was, and is, the only way to keep information in your heads nowadays. Normal people if they see something bad their memory will just be erased. It's not so easy for us hackers. And thankfully mine melted so they can't take it out."

"How can you be a hacker?" I turn my head."I mean, what made you want to become a hacker?"

I take a breath."Two people that saw potential in me like I saw in all those others. We chatted and they convinced me become a hacker. They showed me that I am not somebodies guinea pig. I can do what I like. They really helped me."

"Who were these two people." Her voice sounds so calm and caring right now like she understands what I went through.

"Eva and Dylan. Eva's the one that you have locked up and Dylan's the one that flirts with you when he was supposed to be madly in love with Eva. Then S.A.I.D. messed everything up. Like usual."

"I'm sorry Chris. Your life is messed up. But it kind of seems like S.A.I.D. helped you little bit." My fists turn white."They saved you from your father."

"H-how do you know about my father?" My voice becomes weak

"They showed me your file. It has mostly everything on you, except for your hacking background of course, and I saw one thing that stood out and made me want to try to help you get out of that life."

She closes her eyes."It said,'Christopher James age 14 come to school and is reported to be limping for the forth time this week. He also wears a new jacket for the firth time this week too. Every step he takes looks like he wants to fall down but doesn't.' It said later on that there were reports of screaming and other things coming from the James house. Then it was finally said in the file,'Beating' for all the year you have been in the game." I see a tear fall down her cheek.

"How could anybody do that to you? First of all you won the games you didn't loose them? And second, you're Chris, who would want to hurt you? You're so nice."

I laugh."You don't really know me. How do you know I wasn't nice to my mother or father or something?"

"I don't think they gave you a choice of being nice or not. It was either no beating or beating." Silence.

"Those were only choice I had. I hated in my house. All the tension between my parent and I. It was miserable. The only thing in the first few years that helped me out was my sister. She cheered me up all the time. Sometimes she even tried to get my father to stop beating me while it was happening. She was so caring. But then. I joined the game and everything changed for her. I won all the year I was in. She started seeing me as a threat. A person that wouldn't stop a nothing to get what he wanted. I didn't want to see her that way but I just did after a little while. We are sort of nice to each other but let's just say she doesn't try to help me get out of the beatings anymore."

"You stopped loving your own sister?" Leah asks very seriously.

"I never stopped loving her but...we changed. That's what this stupid game does to us. You've never played it in have you?" She shakes her head. "You've only seen it?" She nods. "You've seen how it changes people?"

"Yeah. I was here from the beginning. When you started. And you have changed. A lot."

She keeps looking at me."You know but not all for the bad. Some of the things you did made you a better person. You saved people. You gave people choices and chances. And you became a hacker."

"How does that make it better? It only brought me here."

"Choosing to become a hacker made you want to help change not just you but everybody. Change the system and what-not. I might not agree on what you believe but you did change in good and bad." She smiles at me and them looks at the computer again.

I have to change this world before more and more people get hurt. I have too. I have to save Eva and Dylan. I have to save Leah. I have to save everyone.

"What's happening?!" Leah says while a red light flashes on the dashboard and a blaring noise commences.

And nows my chance to make my stand.

*Sorry that I took a long time to update. I just finished Vampire Diaries! I love my bæ Damon! And I just started a new story. It's called,'What are you?' It's in my profile. So go check it out!!! Remember to vote!!*

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