Chapter 12

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He just stares at me. Not doing a thing. Why is he just staring at me?
Then I hear a scream. Maria's screaming. I feel something on my ear. I touch my ear to feel blood. I look behind me to see Caelia with a bow but no arrow. Why would she have a bow but no arrow? She had one in the now a few minutes ago. Then I direct my to where the now is pointed. It's at Boss. And I see where that arrow went. Right through the heart. I want to throw-up but I would probably throw-up on Boss. That would be gross. Blood plus throw-up from another man? Not pleasant.

He isn't breathing. Just staring. Right at me. Then he breaks the eye contact to look at the wound. The arrow is straight into his heart. Maria is just as much shock as he is. She doesn't know what to do."What Maria? Don't know what to do? I thought you were the brains? Can't you help your partner in crime? I guess you can't. I always new you weren't special." I just lost it. Everything that has happened in only these two days have been chaos. Maybe the kiss from Maya was nice. Or meeting that other group that gave me relief that somebody else was on our side. But I guess you don't Always get what you want. Do you?

"Shut up Chris! Just for once Chris Shut up!" She screams at me.

"You don't get to tell me what to do. You aren't my mom! You aren't anything to me. Maybe you were before we got sent here but not anymore."

"Don't you get it Chris? I don't like cheaters! You cheated on me in the normal world. And you cheated in this sucky world. You cheated on all of us!"

"What are you talking about? I am not a cheater? Maybe I was in that world but not in this one. I don't know how I could be."

She laughs."You don't know unless the creators tell you. But yes you are a cheater. Most definitely. You are a hacker. Always will be. Always will get your way one way or another. You will get your way intellectually or physically hurting somebody. At the end that will be the only way. I am betting that you will off first. I bet that." She looks at Boss. I didn't even notice but he is on the road. Dead. Most certainly dead. His back is at an arch because the arrow is pushing his back up a little. I see a little blood coming out of his mouth. I look at Maria who is looking at somebody behind me. She looks furious."I might of not liked him like Amy did but he was still part of our group."

"Your group." Her eyes soften for a second like she is trying to say,'I'm sorry but we had to.'

"If you were there they probably would of had a different request then we had to kill you."

Yeah. It would probably be me and Maya."

"Why you two?"

"No reason." I stop looking at her. Bad idea. I hear her footsteps coming close to me. I look up quickly and get ready for fight. I don't have to through because the next thing I know she is walking towards me. Not running. Walking. This is my chance to make a move. I quickly run over to her and hold my knife in the hand that didn't get shot by Dylan. I hold the knife to her neck."If you try to kill, Caelia, Stella, or Eddie, I will kill you and your prediction will be right. Okay?" She just looks at me while breathing heavily. Her eyes are trying to look strong but they are scared and weak. I pull the knife closer to her."You got me?!" She nods quickly."Now go. Shoo. Go tell your crazy psycho friends of our encounter." I let the knife go off her neck. She rubs her hands on her neck. She starts running. "Oh one more thing! Tell Maya that I don't know why I am what I am but it is probably for a better reason then you being what you have become." She keeps running away.

"Do you really think you will kill her?" I look and see Eddie right behind me.

"If that group keeps up what they are doing then I might kill them all."

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