Chapter 24

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*Sorry if there are any mess ups*

"Hello Christopher." I tilt my head and make my lip pout.

"What? No, 'patting on the shoulder' dad?" He crosses his arms.

I look at my mom."And no kiss from you? Wow times have changed. Except that was what? At most a few days?"

"Stop with the small talk Christopher." I roll my neck around.

"Stop calling my Christopher! Just call me Chris! How hard would that be?!"

"Don't talk to your father like that!" I start to laugh.

"Do you even know this man? He is the reason I am in here. Technically you guys are both responsible." I see My father is rubbing and eyes and shaking his head at the same time.

"You put yourself in here Christopher. Don't blame it on us."

"Why can't I? Huh? What are you going to do about it right here right now?"

He looks into my furious eyes then looks up at the glass. I look up and see that everybody is leaving the glass area. Crap."I will do what I do at home. Right here, right now." I look at my mom who has backed away a few steps in this tiny room.

"Please. Dad not right now."

He doesn't even hear me probably because the next thing I know my nose is bleeding and I am back on the ground. I can't even defend myself because of this stupid straight jacket.

"Stop." Now because I am on the ground he kicks my side a few times. I scream a few times. He stops so I get up. I almost fall back down because I am so dizzy."You started this whole thing! Our stupid family started this!"

"We had to." I see that he is wiping some blood off his knuckles.

"No you didn't! This whole thing started because there was a fight between the James and Rich's! Tell me why there was fight!" I look into his eyes and see anger.

"Can you shut up kid for one second?" I shake my head.

"My question is why isn't there like any security down here? What if I find a place out?"

"Because you won't find a place."

I laugh."What if I do get out?"

"Then we will stop fighting."


"Probably not."

I laugh."See! You never can change! It's one of your many flaws."


"Yes. One thing that, because I am a hacker, I can do is see people's flaws. And you so many. One is that stupid fight. Another is your job. Then physically it's getting punched or kicked in the balls.

"The last thing is me. I am one of your flaws. I am the biggest actually." I laughs little."I'm not that bad dad. You can deal with me."

"No I can't. I can't deal with different. We need one thing and one thing only. Good people for an experiment that will help America. And people like you will ruin everything. You guys are freaks."

"You're calling your own son a freak. Wow that's love for you." Probably shouldn't have said that because the next thing I know my face is on the floor again."This is the best family reunion I have ever had." My dad picks me up by the collar of the straight jacket and throws my across the room. I am fed up. Before he can put another hand on me I duck and then kick him in his balls. Thankfully the door is open and my mom isn't paying attention to us.

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