Chapter 18

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The ones with their names are the ones to blame.

What does that mean? Is it talking about me, Eva and Dylan? We all had our real names during this whole thing. But are they our real names? Maybe they are fake? I need to know! But I don't remember anything! When will remember! But then it hit me. I have a computer right here. Why not use it.

I sit in the swivel chair. I look at the computer. How the heck do you work this thing?! How am I one of the biggest Hackers if I can't work anything this simple?

I look at the notebook and pen. It seems like I should use them. I move my hand. I put the pen in the hand and just close my eyes and let the hand do the work. For some reason it seems like it's actually writing. But then again it could be gibberish. I open my eyes to I drew myself. But the drawing looks like somebody drew it behind me.

I hear something. I stand up."Who is it? Just tell me this time! Please tell me I am not loosing my mind?" No response."Fine. Move if you are actually real." I hear feet shuffling. "Move your feet if you're trying to help me." I hear shuffling feat again. That's good. "Move your feet if I can get out of here." Nothing. "Move your feet if you can talk but for some reason aren't." Shuffling feet again. "Why can't you?" No response of course. Except I do hear the feet of the person coming towards me. I back up. Step by step I hear the footsteps getting louder. Then I see a figure. I can't see the face though because she just goes to the computer."What's your name?" She types something in.

Mikayla. I guess that's her name.

"Why are you here?" She types again on the keyboard.

To give your Hacking ability back. Finally I will learn some things at least.

"What things about hacking?" She looks at me and rolls her eyes."I guess the basics then."

No dipwad. Your abilities. All of it. Which is going to be tough on you mentally. You won't be the same.

I laugh."Trust me. All the things I have seen I don't think this will be that bad." She gives me a concerned look."Just give me the memories or whatever." She nods and types something in.

Her finger hovers over this button. I walk over to her and hold her hand. "Together?" She smiles and she presses the button.

That's when everything changes for me. That's when everything changes. My mind feels like it is burning and falling apart into many different pieces. I open my eyes to see I am not in in that room. Well maybe I am in the same room but it got changed. Same door but there is no desk or notepad or pen or computer. But there is one thing. That drawing I drew. It's on a bulletin board. So what happened is real. Or fake? I don't know.

I look around a little more to see the room is white. All white. And the wall are padded. I look at what I am wearing and see I can't move from the waist up. I can walk around though. I see that up above there is glass. The glass is about 20ft up but I can see that there are people walking on it. Observing me. But right now I don't care because I am getting memories back. Or at least Hacker memories. I fall to the ground and curl up into a ball.

In the memories I see a woman. A woman with blonde hair just like me and she is talking to a young boy. That young boy is me. She is smiling.

"You know one day you'll be just like your family. All of us have participated in the game. Your dad was one of the first. I am a little younger than him so i went into the game a few years after him."

"How old are you know mommy?" I am so young. Maybe eight. Nine.

"Well me and your father got married when I got right out of the game so...21. And then I had your sister at age 23. And then I had you at the age 30. So I am 38." Yep I am eight.

"How old is sissy?"

"She is 15. She started being in the games three years ago! You'll do the same."

"But why?"

"Why?" The little version of me nods. "Well because the creators like families to keep going. To see what different generations would do with other families with that same generation. Where we live is having a little fight with this other place. We want to end that. So they pick specific families to go to play the game." The woman smiles and gets up from the chair she was sitting in."They need you Chrissy. Okay?" Then the memory vanishes.

Is that why I was in that weird game/experiment? Because of my parents forcing me? Or maybe they didn't need to force me. Maybe I just did this myself.

Thinking this thought makes my brain crazy. Like literally crazy. All these other thoughts trying to get to the top of my head. I just can't handle it. I look at the door because I hear it open. I see somebody come in. Maya. Why Maya? Then I black out.

*he be gettin' some memories back! cool beans!*

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