Chapter 34/The End

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"Honey what's wrong?" I feel somebody shaking me trying to get me to stop screaming. But I can't. "Stop! You're dreaming! Whatever is happening right now is a dream! I'm hear for you!" Finally I stop and see my beautiful wife next to me."What was it this time?"

I feel the sweat on my forehead multiply. "Remember when we were in the game and we were 16?" She nods. "Well this was another dream about me being a hacker, whatever that is, at age 16. I went into the game when I was still a hacker and people found out. Some creepy evil people took me and told me I had to work for them. At the end of the dream I saw you looking down at me with disappointment. I was getting tortured! And Carly's mom was the head of all it. It was crazy."

"Chris, you know it's all a dream, fake, not real, it's just some weird post-game thing. We finished the games only a few years ago." She rub me on the back.

"I know Maya, but it felt real. Like there was this part of my brain that was missing and now it's back again. It was kind of weird that I didn't even remember the game when I was 16. like none of it."

"Come on that years ago. It doesn't matter. Only now." I look at her and smile."I love you Chris."

"I love you Maya." She smiles. I lay down in bed again and look up. "But it was kind of weird that my dad started talking nicely to me after that year." Maya sighs.

"Well that was after you started loosing all the games and your sister started winning them. Everything went back to normal for your family. I don't know why you stopped winning. You were always so good!"

I shrug."Then maybe all that stuff did happen! They they took the smart and cunning part of my brain out and replaced it with a normal weird one!" She raises her eyebrow."Fine I will let it go."

"Good. Now go back to sleep." I nod.


"Make it stop! Make it stop!" I keep chanting. I still feeling the pain of all those tools trying to find every single part in my brain. I feel somebody touch my shoulder. "Please don't-" I stop and look to see Maya. "Maya. Why are you-" She cuts me off thankfully because I sounded so pathetic.

"They made me come to get you. We all have to go to one of this room for some reason."

I get up off the table but then just fall right down. I am so weak. "Why now? It's only been a few hours. Right? Can't they wait at least till I re cooperate?"

"It hasn't been a few hours." She scratches her head. "It's been a month. You have been out in a coma for a month. The only thing you have been saying is,'Make it stop,' over and over again." I look at her expression to see a tear fall down her face. "Now come on we have to go now." This time I get up and stay up. Maya gives me a hand.

We turn a few times. We pass a few surgical areas and that makes me want to vomit even thinking of that.

I hear a few people whisper some words while passing by about me. Hacker Trash, Scum, ruined of lives. All those pleasant things people could say to you while passing by.

"We're here." She opens the door and let's me in first. We both walk in and I finally see who she was referring to as 'we'. Everybody that I new and trusted in the games. Everybody that I encountered more like. Even my sister was here. They were all sitting in chairs staring ahead but now looking at me. No one smiling.

Maya quickly leaves me and gets a seat next to Maria. She doesn't stare at me. I look around and see one chair in front facing everybody. Great. Of course I get that seat. I walk slowly, so I don't fall, over to the seat. I sit.

I look at everybody staring at me. Nobody says anything me they just stare. Probably trying to me it look creepy and unsettling for me. It's working. I look at my hand. They are shaking. I try to make them stop but I can't. I don't know if it's the nerve of seeing all my friends hate me or that I am still feeling weird after the surgery that left me in a coma for a month.

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