Chapter 14

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"I'm ready. Always have been." I close my eyes.

For a second nothing happens but then I feel it. The agonizing pain. The man is in my brain, trying to find that memory everybody else has about me.

I start screaming but that stops after a few seconds because the pain stops. I stand outside the church. I see no sign of Eva or Dylan. Where are they? Then I hear footsteps but I don't have time to move so I feel something. Someone. More specifically somebody going into my body. Just walking right through my body. I hold my breath like if I breath I will kill myself or something. They walk through me and I breath a sigh of relief.

"Is he coming? Where is he?" The voice sounds familiar. I look at the girl. It's Dash. She looks really scared. Frantically looking around at every moment she has.

"I don't know where he is, but he will come for us Veronica. We have to be prepared." Her name is Veronica? Who is that other guy? He also look familiar. I think he is in Dash's group.

"Yeah Derek. Let's be prepared. Do you have the gun we got?" He nods to her. Give it to her."Oh god. I hear him. He is coming for us." She takes a deep breath. I look around and do hear somebody coming. I hide even though that person can't see me. I look over at them quickly and see them kissing. Then I hear slow clapping coming from the the road that is right in front of me.

"How sweet. Do you want some more time?" I still can't see the person so get out of hiding to see."I always thought that you guys were a great couple, I am sad I have to do what I have to do." Now that voice is the most familiar of them all. I get a look of who is right in front of me. I stop in my tracks."Hey looky here! I know this person!" The guy says looking at me. I look around. I know why he knows me. I know him. It's me."Yes I'm talking to you. I know they can't see you but I can. Now looky here and watch me do my magic."

"W-Who are you talking to?"

"Myself." He's not lying."Now let's get this show on the road so I can win. So I don't need to do this again." He has a knife in his hand for one second but then it goes into the air. I look to where it's headed. Derek. It goes straight for the heart. Perfect shot. I look at 'myself' he is smiling.

"How many have you killed?!" She says crouching down right next to Derek crying.

"You're the only one left."

"You killed your own group members?"

"I had to. This is the only way to get out of this stupid cage."

"You're insane." He walks closer to Veronica and smiles. Then looks at me. I see a tear falling down.

"No Insanity is a Pleasure, compared to what I have to deal with." Then he takes the guns she was holding and fires it. Just like that. No hesitation. Nothing. Just a bang. Death.

But how could I kill her? She isn't dead? Is this the future me?

He looks at me."See what you did? This is why they all want to kill you. So that you don't kill them. So you don't win. If you win your supposed to be out of this. But it seems like that's a lie if you are standing right here before me."

"Wait so you are from my past?"

"Yes I am like the new beginners. The only objective I have is to get through this. I don't remember anything. I didn't get the booklet everybody else did. Well my whole group did get our booklets. So I don't know my name or age or anything." He looks rejected.



I take a breath."Your name is Chris."

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