0.5 | sorting hat + meeting new . . . friends

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Third Person POV:

Rosie brushed imaginary dust off her skirt as she waited to be sorted into a house. She hoped she was in either Gryffindor or Slytherin. "-and before we have our feast, we have one more student transferring from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Everyone please welcome, Rosalie Evans."

The doors opened and she walked in with grace. "Evans, Rosalie." A strict looking lady dressed in emerald green robes called. She walked forward and sat down on the seat. A hat was placed over her head, blocking my view from everyone.

'Hmmm.' 'Who are you?" Rosie asked mentally. 'You're one of the first to say that in my head, especially for a muggleborn.' 'I've been to four magical schools already. This is the least exciting way I've been sorted.' 'The most exciting?' 'They make us battle dragons in Oxford. I passed, but I was one of the only three that did.' The hat chuckled. 'Now. Where to put you? You are ever so loyal, but Hufflepuff isn't for you, you're cunning and ambitious, but neither is Slytherin. You're very smart, and you enjoy reading and studying, but your bravery shines through. I know where to put you. . .'


Rosie's POV:

People clapped and my tie became red and gold. I made my way over to the table with a lion for the crest, and Sirius waved me over. I plopped down next to him and he slung his arm around my shoulders. "Good job Rosie Posey!" "Call me that again and I'll break your face." I replied jokingly. "Okay Rosie Posey." James added grinning. Food bloomed to life onto the table. I licked my lips and grabbed a little bit of chicken. "So, I need to go to Dumbledore after this because he wants to know what subjects I wanna take. Any suggestions?" "Definitely divination. It helps you catch up on sleep." Sirius replied as he was chewing some chicken. "Perfect. What else?" "Care Of magical creatures. Do it because we're in it." James said arrogantly. "Shut up you arrogant fuck." He rolled is eyes and was about to say something before a group of girls surrounded us. Lily was at the front. "Rosalie. May I speak to you?" She asked tightly. I could all ready see what was gonna happen. They were gonna beat me up and try make sure I don't mess up Lillian's plans. "Whatever you need to say, can be said between us as sisters only, or here." I replied, standing up. "Can you just come outside, please. We just wanna introduce ourselves." One of the girls said. "Okay then. Hi, I'm Rosie Evans, Lily's sister." Silence. "I thought you wanted to introduce yourselves." A blonde girl cleared her throat. "I'm Marlene McKinnon. This is Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald and Dorcas Meadows." "Pleasure. Now, did you want to speak with me Lily?" "Yeah. Me and the girls." "The girls and I." I corrected, standing up. She nodded and probably held back several profanities. "Come on then."

I followed them outside and as soon as we were alone, Marlene and Mary grabbed my arms and held them back against the wall, while Alice and Dorcas pointed their wand at me. Lily stood directly in front. "Um, I'm not that smart, but I'm pretty sure this isn't nice." I said, playing the dumb blonde card. "Oh shut up Rosalie!" Marlene sneered. "Excuse me, but why the hell do you hate me Lillian?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. "Rosalie. Perfect, beautiful Rosie! The girl who left off to- what was it- Oxford Academy. But they must've made a mistake. I'm smarter!" She screeched angrily. "This is what this is about, Lillian. Who's smarter?! You're pathetic!" Dorcas flew her fist towards my face, but, because Dumstrang is a school that is specialised in defence, I ducked, and kicked one of the girls. They went flying into a pole, and I quickly punched the other one, who fell down and then, I walked towards Dorcas and quickly got out my wand. "Duro!" The annoying girl started hardening into stone. I did the same to that Alice girl, and it was just Lillian and I.

"Well, was this all your friends had? Pretty pathetic." She snarled and brandished her wand. "Aqua Eructo!" "Protego!" My strong shield blocked her harmless spell. "Aresto Momentum!" Her next spell, a harmless jinx, was thrown amiss, as she tried to gain her body back quickly. "Everte Statum!" Lillian went flying backwards and she rolled onto the ground. She got up and pointed her wand at me. "Petrificus Totalus!" "Protego!" Suddenly, the doors where swung open and people came flooding out. They stopped when they saw Lillian and I, wands pointed at each other. "You wanted a show, sister. You got one." I sneered. "Aqua Eructo!" She yelled. "Impervious!" "Baubillious!" "Protego Maxima!" Her spell bounced off harmlessly, and I finally decided to finish this off. "Glacius!" She tried to cast a shielding spell, but she wasn't in time. Her body started hardening to cold, hard ice.

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