A Strange Detention and Hearing Things

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A/N: I got the information from a lot of cites and they all say the same thing. The information was not my idea. Came from J.K. Rowling.

I walked into my detetion room that McGonagall had asigned to me. I was with her. I didn't know why, but I knew I was. I walked in and she was sitting at her desk, writing something. I walked to the front of the class where I sat, and sat down. She didn't look up though. I coughed.

She glanced up, then back down. "Hello, Ms. Meadows," She started. "I'm glad you came today."

"I'm just happy you didn't stick me with Lockhart," I laughed, setting my stuff on my desk.

She looked up, and smirked, "Yes, he can be a handful."

"So," I sighed, "what am I going to have to do?"

"You are going to be taking notes," She got up, and walked over to her chalkboard.

"What?" I asked.

"Notes, Ms. Meadows. You know what those are right?" She asked.

"Yes, but why notes?"

"Because," She started to write on the chalkboard, "you are going to be wanting animagus lessons next year right?"

"Well, of course. But-" I was interrupted by her.

"Then you are going to need these notes."

I sighed, and took out a quill. I got out my ink and a pad of parchment of paper. She moved out of the way, and I began to write them down.

She started to read off the notes, "Becoming an animagus is very difficult, and is often not attainable. There are many steps that you must do, but if you are under the age of 18, you are unregistered. If you get caught unregistered, you most likely will be sent to Azkaban. Many have been unregistered, and nobody would figure out.

"Transforming into an animagus takes time, and effort. You must do all of the things below perfectly or there will be terrible consequences. You might lose your memory, or worse. The steps are simple but complex.

"First step: you must keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth, on your tongue, for one month. If swallowed, you must restart your month. While you have that in your mouth, you need to be very good with the following: Occlumency, you will need to clear the mind; Transfiguration, a necessity for becoming an animagi; Ancient Runes, which will be used at the very end; Arithmancy, and Potions. After the month is up, do not throw away the leaf. It will be needed for the potion towards the end.

"Second step: after you are done with the first step, you must begin to make the Everlasting Elixir; as found in Advanced Potion-Making. This will take you months. You must use the mandrake leaf as the most important ingredient. The potion does not like sunlight, so it's best to keep it in the dark. You must make it correctly or it won't work.

"Third step: you must find a wall, and write the runic symbols on. Make sure you can stand in front of them closely. Fourth step: get yourself into a calm state of mind. Do this by meditation, or slowly breathing. Fifth step: during a thunderstorm, stand in front of the runic symbols, and drink the potion.

"Sixth step: after drinking the potion, place your wand over your heart. Repeat the words: 'Amato Animo Animato Animagus.' Then after a day of reciting the words, you may try and change into your animagus. You won't know what your animagus is. You won't be able to have full control over your transfiguration. That is something you'll have to work at," Then she stopped.

I looked up after I got the last word, and she was sitting on her desk, as a cat. I smiled at her. She jumped off her desk, turning into herself again. "I guess our time is up, Ms. Meadows."

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