Chapter 2

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Zendaya woke up the next day bright and early.
"You're up unusually early. Tom messing up your brain," Darnell teases when she walks into the kitchen.

Zendaya lift up her middle finger and smiles sweetly at him. To be honest she doesn't really care. She had bigger worries than Tom Holland.

She looked down at her phone and scrolled through her social media. Hate...hate...oh and more fucking hate.

Ever since more information about her character was announced people were hating on her left and right because they assume that the character that she's going to play is Mary-Jane Watson, Peter's female love interest, and that's not true. The girl she might be playing is called Michelle.

"More hate?" Darnell asks after a while.
"What do these people not understand, I'm playing Michelle!" She lets out a laugh shaking her head.
"Have you heard from Marvel yet?" Darnell asks.

"No, I haven't checked my e-mails, but you don't think they'll send a reply so fast," Zendaya walks back to her room and takes out her laptop then she got a call.

"Hello?" She answers.
"Good morning this is Jon Watts I'm calling on regards of your audition," he starts,"and I would like to let you know that you got the part congratulations Zendaya," he says.
"Thank you so much for letting me know," Zendaya says trying to contain her excitement.

"Have a good day and further information will be e-mailed to you," he hung up and Zendaya's heart started racing. She got the part.
"Darnell I got the part!" She yelled running back to the kitchen.
"Seriously!" He says just as excited.

Zendaya takes out her phone and calls her mom. This her first big movie.

"Wow Tom this place is big," Jacob says walking into the house Marvel gave Tom. It was super big with a pool and cinema room the lot.

"I know let's eat," Tom says leading him to the kitchen where Harrison was already eating the pizza.

Jacob and Tom met at the auditions and immediately hit it off. Tomorrow some of the cast were going to meet up at Tom's house as a bonding weekend before the shooting starts.
"You've eaten it all," Tom teased.

"I'm a growing man," Harrison laughs sipping on his drink then he takes out the other pizza.

"Have you guys met Zendaya yet? I've seen her on Disney before my cousin is a HUGE fan," Jacob says taking a bite of his pizza.

"Tom's met her," Harrison chuckles and Tom's glares at him.
"Okay what happened?" Jacob says.
"Zendaya walks in and Tom goes all awkward Peter Parker on her," Harrison laughs.

"Did you see her!?" Tom says slightly embarrassed by the situation.

"Now what are you gonna do she's gonna be here tomorrow," Jacobs asks taking a sip of Tom's drink.

"I'm gonna be normal and try and get along with her. Not everything in life is about dating and shit like that I mean we might even end up hating each other and dating co stars are like the biggest no in the world," Tom says taking his drink back from Jacob.

He looks down to his phone and goes on his instagram and without realizing he types in Zendaya's name into the search thingy.

He didn't mean to, but he couldn't help it.
"Are you browsing Zendaya?" Jacob teases and Tom puts away his phone.

"You my friend are crazy," he says and suggests that they go watch a movie and the others agrees and they movie to the cinema room.

A/N Hey guys I'm so sorry if these chapters seem draggy and a little uninteresting, but I'm still trying to figure out where I'm going with this story. I'm positive it'll get better as the story goes on.

I'm really struggling to write this which is weird because I'm a hard core Tomdaya fan and they are my life, but writing this is hard and I don't know why it's so hard and I am so sorry if my updating it slow.

I'm really trying.

I hope you'll enjoy it ad it goes on and thanks for reading.

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