Chapter 39

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Sam couldn't think straight. After that meeting with Haz the other day she just couldn't get him off of her head. Her daughter always haunted her a little, but lately she couldn't look at her without thinking about Haz.

The guilt was eating at her. She really had no reason to feel this guilty, but something inside of her was still oozing guilt into her body with every passing hour. Jacob is good to her. From the start he was a better man than Haz ever was to her and yet here she is thinking about that idiot.

She didn't deserve Jacob did she. She was always a sucker for the bad ones because those were the kind of guys that had the most control over her. She had no past left over problems with toxic men or problematic men, but she somehow always ended up self sabotaging good things with bad things.

Like Tom. Tom was good, he was really good and she went ahead and fucked that up and now Jacob. Jacob is amazing and somewhat way to good for her, but here she is ignoring him for the past two days since the whole interaction with Haz. Don't ask why she's ignoring Jacob she just is. It was maybe the guilt keeping Sam from having a normal conversation, but she can't say for sure.

Her phone started to ring ripping her from her thoughts. It was Jacob. She didn't know what to do and suddenly she felt sick. Should she answer? Should she ignore him like she's been doing this whole time. Sam shook her and and picked up the phone before she could overthink it even more.

"Hello?" He said and suddenly Sam's heart skipped a beat.

"Hey Jacob," she said softly almost afraid to make a sound.

"It's been two days are you okay? Have you been ignoring me?" He asked. He sounded so confused and Sam felt even worse because she never wanted to make him feel any type of confusion or negative feelings.

"I... Can we maybe meet up tomorrow and talk. I'm sorry that I have been so distant, but I don't feel very comfortable talking this out over a phonecall," she said more confidently. She was going to be honest with him about everything tomorrow. Yes, it might cost her a really good guy, but she couldn't lie to him like this.

Something about him made it hard for her to even think of lying to him.
"Yeah of course whatever you need we can meet up tomorrow and talk. I've missed your voice..." He said and she felt like crying. He was so sweet.

"We'll talk tomorrow okay, bye," she said and hung up.

Why didn't she say she missed him too? Yes, she spent the majority time thinking about Haz the other times she was also thinking about Jacob.

Sam sighed covering her face with her blanket. Nothing was going good.


After Zendaya's stalker was caught it was almost like she could breath in her own house again. She was kind of shaken up by the fact that he has been in her house this whole time, but knowing that he was gone really made sleeping at night better. What helped a lot was the fact that Tom was there with her. He always calmed her down when things were at their worse in her mind.

The section of the house where that fucking psyco was living creeps her out everytime she goes in there. Most of the stuff has been removed by either the police or her mother and Darnell, but the overall feeling of the place fucks her up whenever she goes there and for some reason she goes there a lot.

"You need to stop torturing yourself by coming to this place so much," Tom said that night while they were watching a movie.

"I don't know why I go there I just do," Zendaya said adjusting herself on the couch. The way she said it didn't sit right with Tom. Lately Zendaya started really pulling away from him. She was herself, but anyone who really knew her knew something was up.

"You still seeing Dr. Muller?" Tom asked looking over at her from his side of the couch.

"Yes I am Tom," she answered  annoyed. He wasn't the only one checking on her to make sure she is still going to her therapist. Everyone around her was suddenly so weird with her. They just didn't want to leave her alone. Yes she know that they love her, but this is too much she just wants to be left alone.

"I'm going to bed," she announced standing up.

"I'll join you-"

"Alone." She cut Tom off," I just feel like sleeping alone tonight," she said walking off to bed.

Zendaya knew her mood also drastically changed in the past few days since that fucking psyco was caught but she couldn't help it. She couldn't even control it for the most part all she knew right now was that she wanted to be alone and Tom just had to respect that.

What is up guys. It had been....very very long I know and I'm sorry👉🏾👈🏾🙈 but here is another chapter it has been a long time coming I know but better that than never I hope. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now