Chapter 32

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Zendaya could hear everything around her. Everyone sounded panicked.
"Z..." She heard Tom's voice. He sounded so small and so scared.

Zendaya felt his hand hold hers tightly and she felt light feather kisses on her knuckles. She tried with all of her might then she lightly squeezed back.

Tom thought he imagined it. The squeeze was so faint, but it was there. Two days ago Zendaya got a huge fever and when she tried to get up to go to the bathroom she passed out. She's been asleep ever since.

Tom had to rush her to the hospital and thankfully no paparazzi followed. He contacted Darnell and Claire and everyone he could think of.

"Z you have to wake up," he whispered and kissed her cheek. Her fever was gone thankfully, but things could've been much worse. Last night Claire, Darnell and her father landed in London and they all were at Tom's house.

"Thomas," he turned around and saw him mother standing there.

"Please mom-"

"I brought you something to eat you've been in here for two days," she said handing him a sandwich.

She looked at Zendaya's sleeping body. If she was being honest she didn't hate Zendaya at all. Zendaya was quiet a pleasant girl and very kind and down to earth.
" She'll be alright love, " she hugged her son and she felt him nod.

Zendaya opened her one eye, but quickly closed it again because the light was so bright. She let out a sigh and opened her eye again then the other one.

"Zendaya!?" a big white blob appeared in front of her eyes then it started to focus.

"Tom," she whispered with a cracked voice.

"Hey giraffe," he said with a huge smile on his face.

"Where am I? Why are you in America?" She asked.

"You're not in America love you're still in London," he said with a chuckle.

"So I'm not pregnant?" She asked confused.

"What no are you!?" he asked shocked.

"What... No I don't know I thought I was in America and I.... God Tom I dont know anymore!" she whispered, " I think I've been dreaming everything," she said.

The door suddenly flew open and a docter came striding in with a very big smile plastered on his face.
" Well hello Miss Coleman. I am so glad you're awake. Don't worry you are in good hands and I am glad your body is working so well with the medicine. You picked up one nasty bug," he said standing next to Tom.

"So that's it? Nothing else?" Zendaya said and the docter looked at his papers.

"Jip that's it other than that you are in good health, but I will be giving you some antibiotics just incase and some vitamins that you should take for the next 17 days," he said and Zendaya nodded.

She was feeling kind of relieved, but also sad. The dream felt so real, but she was young. Her and Tom will eventually start a family in the future. Untill then this was a wake up call to be more careful.

"Thank you docter," Tom said and he nodded leaving the room.

"Are you..."

"I'm fine and not pregnant it was a dream," she said and he nodded sitting next to her while holding her hand in his.

"Your parents are on their way," Tom said, " the docter said when you wake up then you can go home after 2 hours because that means the medicine did its job," he said and Z nodded.

After she left the hospital they went straight for the airport. Zendaya had to get back to America for the premiere of The Greatest Showman.

"I'll miss you," she flung her arms around Tom and hugged him tight.

"I don't want you to go not after what happened do you really have to go?" he said squeezing her waist tighter.

"We'll see each other again soon because now I have reason to run of to London," she said. Tom cupped her face in his hands and kissed her softly.

"Come one Deesha we gotta go!" Darnell yelled ruining their moment and with that she was back on her way to America.

She took out her phone then groaned out loud. Cramps!
"Deesha you don't make sounds like that on a public plane," Darnell says and Zendaya rolled her eyes and twisted her body to get comfortable.

She scrolled through Twitter and laughed. She had the craziest fans in the world. The had the weirdest theories, but she has to admit there are a few who make the best photoshopped pictures and edits.

When she got back to America it was back to work time. She had meetings she had to attend and interviews she had to do and she had this audition for this movie called Duck duck goose and then Darnell told her she got the part for the animation movie she auditioned for.

It's called Small Foot and they start shooting in a few days so she had enough things to keep her busy. Tom was obviously busy with the new Avengers movie Infinity War and hopefully they don't tell him anything about it because that would be a mistake.

"Deesha we need to get going," Darnell said while Zendaya was reading through her script learning her lines.

"Kay," today she's going to the studio to do Small foot. She was this really adorable Yeti.

Back in London Sam was strolling down the street with Hayley skipping in front of her. Hayley was her treasure and if her own father didn't think so then he can go dig a hole and stay there.

"Momma look," She pointed to Tom and Harrison standing there. It looked like they bought themselves coffee or something.

"Momma isn't that Spider-Man we were at his house, weren't we?" she asked shyly.

Sam nodded hear head then grabbed onto Hayley's hand before she ran to them.
"Let's not bother Spider-Man sweety," she tries to reason with her, but Hayley already ran ahead.

"Shit," Sam swore underbreath and ran after Hayley.

"Hello Mr Spider-Man!" Hayley said bouncing up and down on her little feet.

"Hello sweety," Tom said crouching down to her size. Tom loved his fan expecially his little fans.

"My mommy and I were at your house once then we hanged with you and Daya," she said shyly.

"Oh yeah you're Sam's little angel," Tom said and Hayley nodded shyly then Sam got to them.

"Hey Tom sorry if she bothered you," Sam said worried because Harrison has said nothing. He was just staring at Hayley.

"Hello mister," Hayley said holding our her little hand to Harrison and their identical blue eyes meet. I crouches down next to Tom and take her little hand in his.

"Hello Hayley," he whispers shaking her hand.

She smiles at him and he smiles back. This is the first time they've ever communicated. He didn't care when Sam was pregnant. He just sent money and stayed away. Sam was absolutely okay with that arrangement up untill Hayley started asking about her dad. Father's day she asked about her dad again and Sam never knows what to say.

"Come on Haz we gotta go," Tom said getting up and Haz reluctantly got up. Hayley ran back to Sam.

"See yah Sam," Tom said.

"Yeah, say hey to Z for me," she says and Tom nods then he turns around and walks away. Harrison hasn't moved. He was just looking at Sam with such intensity like he was trying to read her mind and soul at once.

There was no disgust or anything just him looking at her. It was like before when they were...

Sam frown then glared at him. He had no right to look at her like that, like he's trying to make her fall in love again because it was working!

"Let's go Hayley," Sam picked her up and walked away still feeling Harrisons gaze on them. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now