Chapter 7

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Tom walked onto set the next day not feeling 100%. There was just something about this day so far that just didn't feel right.

It just felt like something was going to happen and Tom wasn't very prepared for it at all.

"Good morning," Tom whipped around and there stood Laura.

"Oh hey...sorry," he laughed lightly giving her a hug.

"How's your morning going?" Laura says making herself some coffee.

"Not so just feels like weird I don't know," he tries to take a bite of his donut, but it slips out of his hand and fell on the floor.

"Well great..." Tom says and Laura laughed.

"You have sprinkles in your hair," she says laughing.

"You are a liar"

"No, I swear let me just-" she ruffled his hair then you could hear someone clears their throat.

"Morning Z! He just dropped his donut and there is actually sprinkles in his hair," Laura says laughing and Zendaya laughed a long.
"Oh my God," she said.

"Yeah...see you guys later!" Laura leaves the room leaving Tom and Zendaya alone.

"It's really great to see you I haven't been having a good morning and-"

"So that's your game?" Zendaya says crossing her arms.

"My game? What are you talking about?" Tom said confused.

"That thing with Laura..."
"You mean our friend Laura who was helping me get sprinkles out of my hair?" He said.

"Yeah sure..." she said rolling her eyes," I know guys like you."

"Guys like me? Get over yourself Zendaya!" He walks past her.

"Get back here!"

"You don't trust me do you!? Tell me what I did to make you not trust me," he says sternly.

"You can't even answer me. Zendaya this can't work if you don't trust me okay. You need to be able to take my word for things, you know me. You wanted to keep things on the down low-"

"So now you're blaming me let me tell you something-"

"Zendaya weren't you the one who wanted to lie?" Zendaya kept quiet and bit her lip.

"I need you to trust least try..." Tom looked at her with pleading eyes and Zendaya felt guilt start to eat her up.

Tom's never gave her any reason not to trust him. Even though he sucks at keeping secrets he's never revealed any of hers and he's just the best. She throws her arms around him and hugs him tight.

"I'm sorry," she whispers and Tom holds her tight against him.

"Don't worry I'm still here," he says.

"And I'm glad you are my little shorty," she kiss his cheek over and over again and he giggles.

"Stop it Z!" She kept on. She loved the feel of his cheek under her lips and the way he got so giddy when she did this.
"Zendaya," he gently pushed her of him.
"Tom," she says all smiley.
"Do you trust me?" He asks again and Zendaya froze.
"Yes..." she says,"I'll try," she ads.
"That's all I need you to do," he said then he gets a text on his phone.
"I gotta get going," he says.

Darnell was on a mission to find Zendaya. He had to hand Noon over to her mom, but he needs her car keys so that he can drive.

He walked through the set though the hallways then he heard voices. It was Tom and Zendaya.

"You don't trust me do you!? Tell me what I did to make you not trust me," he says sternly.

"You can't even answer me. Zendaya this can't work if you don't trust me okay. You need to be able to take my word for things, you know me. You wanted to keep things on the down low-"

He smirked...jeez how long did that girl think she can hide this.

"And I'm glad you are my little shorty," he hears her say and then he hears a bunch of kissing noises then the noises stopped and Tom came walking down the hallway and he pretends to take of the headphones that were around his neck.

"Hey Darneesha," Zendaya says when I walked to where she was standing at the snack table.

"I need your car keys and a giant raise because I don't get paid enough," he says and Zendaya up and down him.
"Excuse me?"

"Zendaya how long did you think you were gonna be able to hide your boyfriend from me? I know it's none of your business, but I was always here for you and I'm one less person to lie to then and besides....I like Tom he's a good guy," Darnell says eating one of the pastries.

"I know I'm sorry..." she says letting out a huge sigh.

"Please give that boy a real chance," Darnell said after a while,"and give me your keys."

"What do you mean give him a 'real chance'" Zendaya says digging in her pockets for her keys.

"Don't pull that shit you pulled with Jake-"

"Don't you dare-" he cuts her of again.

"You know I'm right. You kept accusing him all left and right of cheating. You were all closed of and just didn't trust him and that wasn't right," Darnell says.

Zendaya looked down at her car keys. Jake was a really nice boy who didn't deserve the way she treated him, but she couldn't help it. She let Trevor and Odell walk all over her. Both of them did the same thing and she just forgave them because she was so in love, but Trevor hit her hard. Every time she tries to start a new relationship she thinks of all the thing that happened and then she just shuts down.

Trevor used her weaknesses against her especially her love and she wasn't gonna let that happen again so that ment that she was a little paranoid a lot of the times and that was the cause of a lot of failed relationships.

But Tom was different. She wanted this one to be different because what she felt for Tom was foreign, but not in a bad way in a very very strong way. She wants their relationship to be strong and healthy and publicity ruins it. That's what she was trying to avoid.

"Darnell I really like Tom..."

"Zendeesha you better not over think this so much that you forget to have fun in your relationship," he says taking the keys from her and walks away.

He was right and that's what is going to happen. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now