Chapter 29

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Zendaya stares at her phone then at Tom's sleeping body basically on top of her. That's what she's been trying to do move him off of her so that she can get her phone.

Her and Tom decides to take a nap and he rolled on top of her and the lack of air caused her to wake up.

He suddenly groaned then rolled off of her and she jumped off of the bed and almost screams 'Yes!' but instead she slipped out of the room. Sam's secret was still fresh in her mind. She didn't know how she was gonna do it, but at the end of the day it isn't her secret to tell really it was something that had to be resolved between Tom and Harrison and then eventually Harrison and Sam.

Zendaya didn't think what her was doing was right, she was actually quiet dissipointed in Harrison, but then again she didn't know his side of the story.

She snuggled Tessa into her arms and Tessa have her kisses. When it was only her and the pup she was an angel, but when Tom is around Tessa turns into the jealous girlfriend you don't want to mess with. The kind that scares a you shitless.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door and she's confused. She padded to the front door. Her fluffy socks almost made her glide across the tiled floor and she made a mental note not to walk to fast.

When she got to the door the almost instantly wished she didn't because right in front of her was his mother. She thought about what happened the previous night and almost got ready to run, but the lady showed no sign of losing out at her... Actually she looked quiet calm.

"Good morning Zendaya," she said. Her voice sounded genuine and kind.

"Good morning, please come in, 'she stood aside, but the lady held up her hand and chuckled.

" Oh, Zendaya dear if I wanted to come in I would have done that, I certainly don't need an invitation from you, "she said and Zendaya was taken aback by her blunt rudeness.

" Well Tom is asleep right now so if there were any reason why you stopped by... " She said then she cut her of.

"Oh no I'm not here for Tom... I'm here for you Zendaya," she said and Zendaya started to grow worried.

"Okay, here I am..."she said rubbing her arm.

"I to invite you to out to dinner with me," she said with a smile on her face.

"Wha... Now?" she asked.

"Yes, we could go out, but you famous people probably want to stay in and eat so how about coming over tonight," she asked and I feel nerves run through my body all of a sudden.

The last time she met this lady she almost died. But she needed to do this. Her and Tom are together and happy and if she could get into his mother's good side or at least her decent side then it's a win for her.

She felt her heart twitch. What if his mother never gives her a chance. The first time they made contact was when she walked in on her and Tom almost getting frisky. She probably thinks Zendaya is a huge slut or something.

"Yes, that sound good," she said with a smile and the lady nodded.

"Tell Thomas I expect him there as well," she said then turns around and leaves.

Zendaya closes the door and lean against it with her forhead. After a few seconds she let out a frustrated groan.

"And that lovely sound?" she heard Tom's voice and she turned around to face him.

He looked so adorable standing there still half asleep. His cheeks were a little red and he was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt that made him look ravishing even if it was one of the t-shirts from the Spider-Man movie with the science puns on them.

"Your mom invited us to dinner tonight," she said and Tom's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"My mother! She came here to you and asked you to dinner and you are still standing here alive and okay," Tom said speedwalking to Zendaya cupping her face between his hands expecting her face.

Zendaya laughs then says, "Yes Tom I'm fine."

"I'm just making sure because with m my mother..." he says snaking his arms around her slim waist.

Zendaya rested her arms around his neck then he handed her, her phone.
"Your mom's been calling and Darnell, didn't you tell them yet?" he said amused.

"No I've been enjoying this bubble just let me enjoy it," she whined then her phone rang for the millionth time.

"Just answer it!" he said and she crossed her arms stubbornly then he quickly accepted the call before she could protest and Darnell's panicked voice could be heard through the phone.

'I hate you' she mouthed glaring at Tom.

"Zendaya! Oh my God I found you!! Where the fuck are you. You didn't show up at the airport and you haven't been answering any calls. Zendaya where are you!?"

She wanted to talk, but then her mother's voice blared through the phone.
"Zendaya Maree where the hell are you!" she says with an angry voice and Zendaya sighs.

"Are you done?" She asks and Tom picked her up and they both fell on the couch.

"Fuck you," she said giggling while Tom snuggled into her neck.

"Excuse me!?" she heard her mom's angry voice.

"Sorry Claire I kidnapped Zendaya now she's with me," Tom said putting the phone on speaker.

"Tom?" Darnell said shocked.

"Yes and if you want Zendaya back I want Noon," he said and Zendaya pinched his nipples.

"Ow! Jeez Z I was joking," he groaned rubbing his nipples in pain.

"Wait... You're in London?" her mom asked.

"Yes I am," she said.

"Are you and Tom..."

"Yes, mom we are back together," she said watching Tom get up from the couch to get some ice for his nipples that is aparantly broken.

"Are you sure that this is the best for you two?" Her mom asks with an uncertain voice.

"Yes mom," she said.

"Well... It's about damn time!" Darnell said and Zendaya chuckled.

"Now I don't have to be stuck with you and your mopy face anymore this is great," he said. They said a quick goodbye then it was just her and her thoughts.

"Come on let's go make ourselves presentable," Tom said standing with two ice packs on his man-boobs.

"Jip let do this. I mean if she ends up killing me tonight I would atleast look cute," she said.

"Don't joke Z that could happen," he said and she felt nerves take over her body.

"I can't die now," Zendaya thought, "I have to go to the premiere and be best friends with Beyoncé!"

She sighed and went to the bathroom to make herself presentable. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now