Chapter 19

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Days have passed since the premiere and it's been a whirlwind of different things happening. Tom was already on his way to another premiere and Zendaya was full on working on The Greatest Showman. It turns out she already had the part of Anne and everyone knew except her.

Training was demanding and she was fatigue and tired. She is greatful that she got the opportunity to explore a new world and gain a new skill, but she doesn't see herself doing trapeze for a living.

They just worked on Rewrite the Stars last week in the studio and next week they will be learning choreography. Recording rewrite the stars was easy and they didn't have to redo it a lot.

"You are full of surprises Miss Coleman," Zac says popping up behind her. They just finished recording their part in the song The Greatest Show.

"Why thank you Mr Efron," she joked along laughing.
"You on your way home?" he asked.

"Jip," she said closing her trailer door.

"How about you come over to my place we could eat some gross vegetarian food and get to know each other I mean how can I be in love with you if I don't even know you a little bit," he said and Zendaya bit her lip.

She was gonna get some preach from Darnell, but she's not doing anything wrong. Tom is away shooting Chaos Walking with this Daisy girl and she's cool with it so it's only fair.

"Sure, but vegetarian food is not gross there are some really great dishes out there," she argued.

Her and Zac walked out to his car.
"So then your cooking for us tonight?" he jokes.

"Yeah I don't cook, but I can boil some water for you. I am known to boil the best water out there," she says and Zac laughs.

"I can not wait to taste your boiled water," he says.

"I'll drive behind you," Zendaya says and Zac nods watching her walk away to her car then he got inside. He was fascinated, infatuated with the woman. She was beautiful, talented, kindhearted and so very intelligent.

When Zendaya got into her car she watched Zac drive then she started her car.


She looked down at her phone... Tom. They had a video chat scheduled...shit.
"Hey Tom," she pulled out of her parking space and drove behind Zac.

"Hey love how is my beautiful girlfriend tonight?" he asked and Zendaya felt her cheeks heat up.

He always knew just what to say to make her heart melt.
"Look I'm sorry, but I have to hang up I'm driving," she said.

"Yeah we don't need you destracted while you're driving a car someone's life would be in danger," he jokes.

"I would laugh if that wasn't 100 present true. Okay byyeee-" she reached out to her phone holder to end the call when he spoke again.

"Wait why isn't Darnell driving you?" he asked.

"I wanted to drive myself for a change you know. He wasnt feeling well so I decided that I was gonna drive myself," she says stopping at the red traffic light.

"Where are you driving to?"

"I am driving to Chipotle then I'm going home," she lies fluently.

"You haven't eaten yet?" he asked.

"Nope and it's late we had to stay longer tonight because we had to finish The Greatest Show which sounds so DOPE!! and now it's like 8 so I'm just gonna pick up something then go straight home. Not to mention my circus training tomorrow morning," she babbles. Talking to Tom always came so easily.

"I can't wait to hear it," he says and she looked down at her phone. He was smiling at her and she just wanted to kiss him so bad.

"I'm so proud of you Zendaya," he said and she felt week. Her smile grew even wider and she felt like she could burst.

"And I'm so proud of you Spider-Man," she said and he laughed then she came it stop at Zac's house.
"Look I gotta go," his face instantly fell and she could help but feel awful for ending the chat like this. They rarely had time to talk and now she just killed another one of their meetings.

"Yeah, goodnight Z," he said and she lifted up her phone bringing it closer to her face.

"Goodnight Thomas," she teased and he let out a weak chuckle,"I love you," she said.

"I love you too," he says it back and hangs up.

"I haven't had plain pizza in so long," Zac said placing the pizza in front of them with two bottles of juice for each of them.

"You have been missing out," Zendaya said grabbing a slice immediately digging in.

They went back and forth getting to know each other. They had a bunch of things in common.
"You have seriously met Michael Jackson!" Zendaya said perking up.

"Yeah it was probably it best moment of my life," Zac said.

"Oh my God, dude! I'm speechless I can't even think...was it really him!?" she said still in disbelieve.

"Seriously," he said laughing at her. The look of shock was written clearly over her entire face and she couldn't have looked more adorable.

"I hear you are known for not kissing on screen. How do you think your fans will react when they find out about the kisses?" Zac asks.

"I think we'll never hear the end of it and my fans will either lose their minds of feel betrayed. I have the weirdest Fandom, but I love them," she said taking a sip of her juice.

"Yeah...wait why will they feel betrayed?" he asks.

"The migority of my Fandom ships me with Tom," she said smiling absent-mindedly.

"Tom... The new Spider-Man?" he asks.
"Yeah they're crazy," she says.
"Hey I saw your lip sinc battle you guys killed it," he said changing the topic.

"It was so much fun if they want us to do it again I would gladly say yes and then I will most definitely wipe the floor with him," she says laughing and Zac tried to laugh as naturally as possible.

He started to notice the look in her eyes that she got when she spoke about Tom. She didn't say anything to make him doubt that she's single but it was just a gut feeling that he stood no chance, but he wasn't going to give up before he tried.

Him and Zendaya were going to spent a lot of time together so he had enough time to win over her heart and make sure that Spider-Man doesn't stand in the way.

Tom Holland didn't stand a chance anyway.

"Heey Tom I am in bed right now and I know you might be busy shooting or something, but I just wanted to let you know that I love you so much and the past four months with you have been the best I love you... Goodnight," she hung up the phone and place it on her kitchen counter with a sigh.

Yes she lied about being in bed.
"Deesha there is no need for you to sigh that hard. Your not hurting Tom and your not doing anything wrong okay. I don't trust that boy though so just keep the situation under your control okay and don't be stupid," Darnell said pouring himself a drink of water and walks back to his room.

Zendaya thought about what he said and nodded. She didn't really trust Zac all that much either mainly because she has a feeling that he might like her in a non platonic type of way and she has a boyfriend which is a secret to everyone in the world.

She sighs and walks of to bed. How do you let a guy know your taken without revealing your secret relationship? Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now