Chapter 35

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Zendaya had no clue what to do about her problem. She could go to the police, but something inside of her told her that that was a very bad idea. She tapped her hand against her steering wheel. She could go to her mom's house, but this person watching her could try weird shit with her mom and she didn't want that.

And she was busy shooting an animation film so she couldn't leave America right now. The stoplight turned green and she started to drive again. She had no idea where she was going, but she didn't care she just had to get away from her house.

Her phone started to ring and she pulled over. There was no caller ID so it was an unknown person.
"Hallo?" she said softly then she heard a chuckle on the other side of the line.

"You think getting in your pretty little car is going to help... No I will find you Zendaya," the person said and laughed again.

Zendaya pressed the end call button and started sobbing. What was happening!? She asked herself over and over again. She turned her car on again and started to drive back home.

Actually meeting up with Jacob wasn't really Sam's plan, but here she was eating dinner with Jacob Batalon having a great friecken time. He was so sweet and kind and gentle. He actually asked her about her likes and dislikes and tried to get to know her. He obviously knew about her in the beginning because Tom probably spoke about her, but here he was anyways talking to her and asking her about her day.

The men in Sam's life up until now have been assholes and this has been the first time in a long time that she met a decent man. Something inside of her still felt guilty for doing this. Jacob was one of Tom's best friends and so is Harrison the friecken father of her child.

She felt her tummy turn. Nerves were getting to her, but she didn't want to show it to Jacob because they were having a good time and she didn't want to ruin it. If she could turn back time and do this night all over again then she would in a heartbeat, but that didn't kill the guilty feeling she felt and she couldn't get the feeling to go away.

Why can't she just be happy with someone without having these extra demons haunting her? Why couldn't she find a guy who had no connection to Tom or Haz!? Why is the universe against her in every way?

Zendaya sat on her bed trying to occupy herself by learning lines, but that didn't work. She was still thinking about this person stalking her and she just couldn't stop being worried about it.

This person could be watching her right now. Z shuddered at the thought of being watched. Who could actully want to get her like this? The first erson she thinks of is Laura. The again Laura isn't psycho.

Her phone starts ringing and she answers it without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello Zendaya," the voice says and she freezes up.

She wasn't even surprised that this person is calling her.
"Are you my stalker?" she asks rolling her eyes.

"Yes my sweet Zendaya and I am literally somewhere in this house," the person said laughing like the loser he is.

"I thought you stopped being a creep Khalil," she said flopping onto her bed.

Khalil Berring was friends with her when they were children, but had this creepy ass crush on her that turned into an obsession at a very young age. She thought she got rid of him once she moved to L. A but later they found out that he followed them all on his own. His 13 year old brain told him it was a good idea to follow them to L. A. They called the cops yeah, but he just disappeared and now he made his grand reappearence.

"I was never a creep Z it's just that you and I have to be together and I am the only man for you," he said and she rolled her eyes again.

"Look dude you need to get yourself checked out-"

"Shut the fuck up Zendaya. You will be mine whether you want it or not and there's nothing that you or your pasty ass boyfriend can do about it... Goodnight baby," he said and hung up.

There was a sudden clatter in the kitchen and she shreeked.
"What wrong!!?" Darnell came running into the room with a pan in his hand.

"Nothing you just scared me," she said hugging him.

"Well just calm your ass down and come eat OK," he led her to the kitchen where the food was and she stayed glued to Darnell for the rest of the night. She even got them to sleep on the couch so that she wasn't alone in her room.

Khalil always had the best timing.... Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now