Chapter 37

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So Tom did show up, but not at night now at 3 in the morning and as suspected Zendaya was already sound asleep, but thanks to his key and his knowledge of her security code he got into her house undetected.

Tom left his luggage by the front door and took of his shoes and coat. Not because it was a rule to take of your shoes in Zendaya's house, but he liked to make himself comfortable in her house right away.

He walked towards the kitchen and froze when he saw a figure move down the hall. This figure was too short to be Zendaya and it looked way to masculine.

He knew Darnell wasn't here because he went on a short trip and Zendaya said she was alone. What if she's cheating on him!? He pushed aside all those weird thoughts about Zendaya cheating because it was ridiculous and the last time a cheating misunderstanding happened they broke up.

He followed the shadow squinting his eyes so that he could see better in the darkness. He didn't want to turn on a light in fear of this strange person running away if he was a burglar.

The person dissappeared into one of Zendaya's storage rooms and Tom followed. The person went deeper and deeper into the room and Tom was surprised. He never knew this room was so deep.

The floor was covered in pictures of Zendaya. Tom was officially freaked out. Those weren't pictures that were given to this guy they were pictures that was taken at random times. Zendaya was doing pretty random stuff in the picture like eating and walking outside, but the picture that made Tom's blood boil was the pictures of Z sleeping and changing her cloths.

The dark figure sat down in a chair and Tom picked up a heavy book that was sitting ontop of a shelf and snuck up behind him. He raised the book up in the air and whacked him across the head and he fell on the floor with a thump.

Tom ran up to Zendaya's bedroom and he found her fast asleep in her bed.
"Giraffe wake up!" Tom yelled jumping on the bed.

"Hey buddy get off of my bed stop!" Zendaya yelled angry for being woken up so rudely," this is not how you wake up your girlfriend."

"Get over it there is some weird guy in your house," he said getting off of the bed.

"You saw him!?" Zendaya said wide awake and ready to basically jump Tom because of happiness.

"Yeah he's in some room-"

"Show me," Zendaya said pulling him out of her bedroom and Tom led her to the weird guy he knocked out.

When they got there Khalil was still unconscious on the ground. Zendaya felt joy bubble up inside of her and she immediately called the police. She wanted to do this as discrete as possible without getting to much paparazzi in her business.

"Who is this guy?!" Tom asked once the police carried him out of the house and collected several of the pictures scattered around the floor. Zendaya's mother and father also showed up.

"That Tom was Khalil Zendaya's stalker," Claire said.

"Stalker!?" Tom said surprised.

"Yes which Zendaya did not inform us was back!" Her mother said stern and Zendaya sighed.

"He was watching my every move more than usual he caught me trying to tell you twice I mean I couldn't tell you," she said, " I'm sorry, but hey he's finally caught this time with ton of evidence that'll put him away for a long time," Zendaya said looking at her het parents with an apologetic look.

"Don't ever do this to us again," Claire said then an officer walked up to them.

"Uh Miss Coleman I think you would want this DVD and burn it maybe," he handed Zendaya the DVD then walked away.

Zendaya frowned then checked inside and she felt all the color drain from her face.

"Love what is it?" Tom asked.

"No, nope it's nothing," she said getting suspicious looks from her parents.

Her parents finally went home around 5, but Zendaya was still wide awake in her kitchen staring at the DVD. Tom was in the shower so she had some time to check it out, but she already had an idea of what it was.

The disk was labeled Funtimes so Z had an idea what was on it. She stuck it into her laptop and plugged in her headphones and double checked that they were plugged in so that no sound could be heard out loud.

Zendaya groaned out loud. This video was made way before she knew about Khalil being back. Zendaya shook her head watching what was going on on the screen.

Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder and quickly shut the laptop.
"Tom!" she said her face probably re resembled that of a dear caught in headlight.

"Did you watch the thing?" he asked innocently.


"Well..." he chuckled then continued, "what was on it?"

"Just me changing and being naked..."

"Oh can I see," he joked and Zendaya freaked out.

"Oh hell no!" she said panicked and Tom looked surprised.

"I mean... Why would you want to see a stupid DVD if you have me right here," she said dragging him to the couch.

Zendaya made a quick mental note to crush and burn that disk... Well after what's going down right now. Tomdaya StoryWhere stories live. Discover now